Home, Train, and School

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Alberto tried to think optimistically. If it had been the bullies first time seeing Luca, maybe they ran or screamed in terror. That sounded kind of funny. But then he could picture the disappointment on Luca's face. After that, it wasn't too humorous.

Alberto looked at the watch on his wrist. Dad-

It was still kind of weird to think about-

Dad had told him how to tell time and what the supposed "hands" represented. But if Alberto was being honest, he wasn't really paying attention. He didn't really care for the concept of time.

Now don't think about that. You don't want to be crying when Luca hasn't seen you in so long!

Alberto took in a breathe and tried to think about something that didn't remind him of the island.


Alberto was bound to get an earful about space from Luca. Especially the origins of space and planets. Humans couldn't even agree on the origins, though.

Silly humans...

Alberto straightened his shirt a bit and tried to smooth out any wrinkles that may have started to appear after he sat down.

I wonder what Luca will be wearing? It'll probably be a white button up too. I don't think he would like ties either.

The train doors were starting to open. Alberto ran a hand through his hair and walked to the door. Then he stopped. Giulia and Luca were waiting for him, but they were closer to the head of the train and they had not seen him yet.

But Alberto was too busy staring at Luca to call out-
Alberto had been right about the white shirt but Luca was also wearing a jacket that was a bit too big for him. He still looked good and Alberto really wanted to tell him.

So Alberto proceeded from behind and lifted Luca into the air.

"Luca! You look great!"

"Alberto!" Luca squealed in surprise,

"What am I, chopped liver?" Said Giulia, feeling the third wheel onslaught coming.

"Nah, more like a whale carcass." Alberto teased before also giving her a hug.

"Alberto, I'm so happy you're here! I missed you so much." Luca said, almost on the verge of tears.

"Hey don't cry. If you start, I will too and no one wants to see that."

Luca didn't say anything but latched onto Alberto for dear life.

As much as Alberto loved this contact, he felt a pang in his chest- and not the good kind. As Luca continued to hug him, Alberto gave a worried glance to Giulia. She just nodded sadly and mimed a fight with two quick punches in the air.

Alberto's eyes went wide. Sure he knew there were some bullies and that Luca could handle himself, but Luca was not one to fight people.

"Hey, I got us something." Alberto said, pulling away from the hug, noticing Luca quickly wiping away his tears.

Alberto pulled out the flowers and Giulia squealed, "Oh! That's so sweet."

Luca stared a bit in confusion until Giulia helped him put the wrist band on. His eyes went wide with wonder as he looked at the flowers on his wrist.

"Aren't they cool?" Alberto asked, putting his own on. "This way, people know we are dancing together."

"I don't know what to say..." Luca said, feeling emotional again.

Letters to the Sea | Luca x Alberto and Giulia x OCs | Chaos and Free AdviceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat