The rest of the session was filled with Aubrey asking how and debating whether she wanted to ever come back. She was leaning towards no. The advice was good but she felt a lot of it was pointless.

The car ride was silent simply because Aubrey had nothing to talk about and Josiah didn't want to ask while driving.

Shortly they arrived at his place and before he could even shut the door behind them his curiosity got to him.

"How was it?"

"Not really helpful, don't think I'm gonna go again" she simply put it while sitting on a barstool against the island.

"No breakthroughs?" He asked

"Therapy isn't the answer to everyone's problems, I do admit that it felt good to vent to someone and not worry about them saying I complain too much" she said

"What are you trying to say Aubrey?" He needed clarification

"Oh, no not you , you don't say I complain . I mean other people and when I say let me vent you just don't do it like her" she said

"I don't know what you're talking about but if it's not for you then you don't have to go again" he said

"Thank you" she said wrapping her arms around his waist.


"For wanting me to be better, even though it didn't work I appreciate the effort" she said standing on her tippy toes to kiss him. Josiah was about to take it further when the front door opened.

Aubrey rolled her eyes at the sight of Leah, causing Leah to laugh.

"I interrupted something huh?" Leah asked

"Yeah you did, what do you need?" He asked before letting go of Aubrey and sitting on the couch making Aubrey pout.

"Oh cheer up you'll get your dick soon" Leah said. Aubrey scoffed at her remark.

"Leah" Josiah warned.

"I'm just joking with her"

"Yeah ok, what do you need?" He asked again

"I need advice" Leah said sighing and looking at him with sad eyes.

"5 minutes" he said


"None" Aubrey interrupted with a forced smile.

"Bre give me a second" he pleaded. She rolled her eyes before going to the bedroom.

Her anger quickly subsided when she started playing games on her phone and time went on.

"Alright" he said coming back wanting to finish what they'd almost started. She briefly looked at him before continuing her game of candy crush.

"I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better it was an important talk"

"Aubrey" he called out laying down next to her. She gave him a look raising her eyebrow, hoping he'd get the memo that they weren't having sex right now.

"You're so pretty" he stated looking at his girlfriend.

Her forced uninterested look almost turned into a smile but she couldn't let him think his compliment was enough for her to not be "mad" at him anymore.

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