Many hours later, something poked your cheek.

"Y/n", said a voice in a hushed whisper.

Two more pokes.

"Y/n, wakeeee uppp", the voice continued in a sing song tone.

You ignored the voice, hoping that if you didn't react, it would leave you alone. You were exhausted, and all you wanted was to sink into your cheap ass college mattress, and disappear until the grogginess went away.

No such luck.

A pair of delicate fingers lifted one of your eyelids against your will.

Sasha was kneeling at your bedside, her elbows folded on the edge of your bed where she rested her chin, cocking her head to the side as she tried to wake you up.

"Do you wanna go shopping with me? I want to get a new dress for dinner tonight, and I figured you could get one, too", the brunette whispered, unsure if you were fully awake yet.

You grumbled, and lightly smacked her thumb away which was still holding open your eye. "Unhand my eyelid, you heathen." Rolling onto your back, you stretched you arms above your head.

"So is that a yes?". She sounded hopeful, but also amused at how grumpy you got when your sleep was interrupted.

"Mmm what time is it Sash?" You let your eyes flutter closed again.

"It's like 9:40, I think. Nu uh, no way. You're not going back to sleep, y/n! Historia said I had to wait until 9:30 to wake you up, so you already got 10 extra minutes anyways!"

Sasha grabbed your arm and yanked you halfway off the bed, successfully waking you up. Your eyes shot open and you groaned in reluctance.

"Come on, y/n! Besides, this restaurant we're going to tonight is kinda fancy. You'll need to wear something other than sweatpants!"

"That's rich coming from you."

Over the past few days you had become more and more confused about meeting Mikasa. On one hand, most of your friends seemed to worship the girl. On the other, Jean seemed to grow uncomfortable whenever her name was spoken. Not to mention the fact that everyone refuses to tell you why Jean's history with her is complicated.

You weren't sure why, but going out to buy a fancy dress just to go meet this girl made you feel... odd.

However, Sasha was one of your best friends, and for her, you were willing to push those feelings aside. Besides, she was right. You would need something to wear seeing as you had already agreed to go to the dinner.

"Oh gimme a break", the girl laughed. "Come on, I'm serious. This place is nice. You can't show up in a party dress. And besides, I'm starving, so we can stop by IHOP on the way downtown."

"Okay, okay, I'll go. Let me go put some clothes on and at least brush my teeth first", you sighed as you picked yourself up off the floor and grabbed a change of clothes, as well as your shower caddy.

"Ugh, yes please. Your morning breath is rank", Sasha teased as she flopped back down on your bed, hands behind her head.

You chucked your deodorant at her as you exited the room, and Sasha threw both of her middle fingers up while a grin plastered itself over her face.

While you were at IHOP, Annie had called Sasha, apparently having the same dilemma of needing a dress. You remembered the blonde girl from the first first frat party you had attended, and how much you had liked her and her laid back sarcastic attitude.

You hadn't even realized that she was apart of the friend group, but after asking Sasha, she explained that when in high school, Annie and Armin both started hanging out with the group less and less during their junior year, when they first started talking. Soon after they started dating, they eventually reintegrated into the group, you know, after working out some problems in their relationship.

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