Chapter 4- It's Still Not Over

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My fingers knocked on the table.
Aren't those the days he usually goes to court on?

"W-What? You can't just go there like this! What if something bad will happen?"
Mia raised her voice.

"Relax, Pumpkin. She is just a little girl! Besides, the court library is a public place. I'll be alright."
Armando put his mug down.
Suddenly, a slapping sound was heard.

"This is LUDACRIS! I can't believe you'd even THINK about it! UGH!
Mia angrily stormed off, slamming the door to the office.

I froze in place.
What just happened?

Armando was in shock. He put his hand on the mark that Mia left on his cheek.

"...Another cup?"

"...A-Another cup... N-Number 58, please..."

The bitterest of them all.
He is REALLY upset.

"Aye Aye, captain."

I still made myself a 102, and I set next to him, handing him the cup.

"The world is filled with those who have said, 'I wish I had never asked that.' But today, there's one handsome man who thinks 'I wish I had never asked that.'"
I changed one of his quotes.

Armando chuckled sadly while drinking down the whole mug in one sip.
"I guess you are correct...
Did you just call me 'handsome'?"

I choked on my coffee when I realized that the word actually slipped out of my mouth.
Armando laughed at my reaction.

"Just playing with 'ya. Trying to lighten the mood, hehe...
You never fail to be funny, Y/N."

"I-Is that so?"
I said, recovering.

"Are you still going to the library tomorrow?"
I asked.

"Yes. I need to bring that girl to justice. For me and for my dear Mia.
I know she wants this, too.
But to bring someone to justice, you need evidences. And tomorrow, after I'll finish defending someone, I am going to get those evidences.
Daliah is going down."
Armando said, determined.

"I wish you luck."
I smiled.

"Thanks, kitten."
My heart skipped a beat. But I ignored it. I started to get a little worried.
But I'm sure he'll be okay.

I'll tell him tomorrow... this can't be a coincidence.

Diego Armando's p.o.v
(Yes, we have those, too!)

The judge said.

My client thanked me from the bottom of their heart. The were crying.
"Just doing my job, pal. Have fun with this verdict. But not too much, or else you'd get in trouble."
I chuckled.

I headed for the court library. But on the way... I've been thinking about what Y/N told me.
"She comes only on your days!"
She said.
"Please think about it...
It can't be a coincidence!"
This must be just a coincidence.
Y/N is a very dear friend to me, and I trust her with my life, but i think that Pumpkin made her worry too much.

I sighed and went through the wide door. I saved a cup of coffee for this. Here I come.

I walked inside, until my eyes met another pair of eyes.
I set at one of the tables.
It didn't take long for HER to come and sit in front of me.

Without You (Godot/Diego Armando X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz