(20) Mini Battles

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France, December 1943
A door busts open, revealing Steve in his red, white and blue uniform, firing a Tommy gun.

Bullets ricochet of his shield. The Howling Commandos walk in behind him, firing their guns. YN behind the men starts fires, and moves the enemy out of her way with her energy manipulation.

Briefing room
Peggy puts an x and a SSR flag on France.

Belgium, January 1944
Red Skull pulls up to his ruined HYDRA facility. The flames reflecting in his windshield.

Poland, February 1944
Steve stalks a bombed- out factory. A Hydra gunman aims his gun at the Captain, but suddenly falls. Steve clocks it and gives a thumbs up to someone in the distance. It's Bucky, whose grinning behind his gun.

Briefing room
Peggy puts another x and flag on the map. This time Poland.

Czechoslovakia, August 1944
The Howling Commandos scramble out of a side door at a Hydra facility. They dive for cover, awaiting an explosion that doesn't come. They look out from their cover wondering, 'Where the hell is Steve and the girl.'

Then, Steve crashes through a window on his motorcycle, YN on the back. She turns slightly, lighting the facility on fire. A few seconds later, it explodes.

Suddenly, the woods fall silent. Six figures arise from the snow. Then 2 more. BLAM! A riffle cracks, a bullet bouncing off the shield. Steve turns and throws the shield, causing a Hydra sniper to fall from the tree.

'That was hot.' YN thinks to herself.

Briefing room
Peggy puts another flag and x on the map. This time with YN by her side.

"How is the battle?" Peggy asks her friend. "Exhausting! I think I'm going to sit these next few fights out." the h/c states.

"Well at least you're back in one piece." YN nods.

Later, YN, Peggy and Phillips are watching a film from all the battles since December of last year. YN looks to Peggy, "I didn't know they were filming us." Peggy shrugs.

The camera moves past Falsworth and Dernier drinking from their canteens. Dugan drinking from a flask. Bucky and Steve survey a valley. The camera focuses on Steve's open compass. Taped on the inside are two pictures. One of Peggy and the other of YN. The girls look to each other then back to the screen, smiling like idiots.

Steve looks at the camera, pissed, closing the compass. Phillips looks at the girls, amused. Peggy and YN remain smiling at the screen.

Russia, January 1945
Steve and his men are all gathered on a high plateau. Morita is crouched over a transceiver. Jones listens to the transmission. Falsworth is looking through binoculars. Dugan and Dernier are adjusting the winch at the cliffs edge. Steve, Bucky and YN are conversing.

"The engineer just radioed ahead. Hydra dispatch gave him permission to open the throttle." Jones says taking off his headphones. "Whatever's on this train, they must need it bad." he concludes.

"Well, they're not going to get it." Morita retorts.

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Falsworth disagrees. Off in the distance a train is moving quickly. "Because they're moving like the devil." he finishes.

Steve checks his rifle. Bucky looks over the edge. YN plays with fire in her hands. "Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky says catching his friends attention.

"And I threw up. And YN thought it was the nastiest thing in the world?" Steve adds. "That's because it was. You threw up on me!" YN replies, grossed out.

Bucky laughs and looks back over the edge. "This isn't payback, is it?" Steve and YN look at each other with smirks on their face.

"Now why would I do a thing like that?" Steve says sarcastically. YN laughs, "Oh, this is definitely payback. I hope he throws up on you this time."

"Jerks." Bucky states. "Punk." Steve counters. "Best friends!" YN adds, enthusiastically. The three share a laugh.

A train whistle is heard in the distance. A Hydra futuristic train approaches. "All aboard, gentlemen and lady! Mind the gap!" Falsworth shouts out.

Steve, Bucky, YN and Jones attach T-bars to the cable. "Okay, this is a very short, very fast train. We've got a ten second window, tops. Mistime it and you're a bug on the windshield." Steve explains to the others hooked up to the cable.

Dugan checks the speed of the train on his watch. "Better move it, bugs."

Dernier raises his hand, then drops it, signaling to go. Steve jumps and shoots. Jones and Bucky follow.

Since, YN is in the back she can't really see the people she's shooting at, so she doesn't shoot. Instead, she's in the back minding her business, "Woohoo" the girl squeals.

Bucky shakes his head at her actions, but can't help the smile forming on his lips. When the boys land they turn to YN who's still coming to the train, having the time of her life.

Jones looks to the boys, "Look, I'm not one to judge, but you guys have a weird friend." Bucky laughs, YN lands and Steve begins speaking, "Leave her alone. She's having fun before the last Hydra base is getting taken down."

Steve, Bucky and YN go to the trains rear car and kick the door in. They rush in weapons and powers at the ready, only to find nothing. They share a confused look.

Jones crawls toward the engine.

The three then go into the next car, also to find nothing. "I thought they were supposed to be hauling something." Bucky says. Steve unhooks his shield, warily. YN let's the energy disappears from her hands.

"They were." Steve answers. He pulls open the next car door, revealing, once again another empty space, but this ones dark.

WHAM! A steel plate drops over the door, closing them in. The lights come on, showing a large Hydra trooper. Looks to be six and a half feet tall, heavily armored. Both his arms have cannons on them.

Steve and Bucky shoot at the man, but the bullets just bounce off his armor. The man shoots at Steve and the blue pulsing energy knock his shield out of his hand, sending him to the wall behind him.

The shield clangs to the floor. The trooper turns to Bucky and shoots. Bucky dodged the attack. The blast makes a hole in the side of the train.

YN starts throwing fire and energy, but it doesn't work. "YN we've gotta talk about you and those powers. Like why you didn't tell us." Bucky begins.

"Not now, Bucky." YN tells him. A red light blinking in the corner of the train catches her attention. This gives the trooper an opportunity to shoot at her.

YN releases an ear splitting scream. The blast catches her on the side of her thigh. She is fading in and out of consciousness. "YN!" both the boys yell.

The blinking light in the corner is a camera. On the other end of the camera is Dr. Zola watching the three and the trooper fight. "No! I want the girl here unharmed. Finish off the walking American flag." the doctor orders the trooper.

Steve kneels next to YN trying to keep her awake. The trooper takes aim at Steve's chest, Bucky notices and picks up the shield. The brunette jumps in front of his friends when the blast hits, sending him to the hole in the wall. He's holding on to the railing, not wanting to fall to his death.

"Bucky, no!" Steve shouts. Steve looks to both of his friends, scared. He gets up and goes to Bucky.

"What's going on?" YN manages to say between her deep breathing. She looks over to the hole in the wall, but can't make out what's going on. Her vision is blurred.

She manages to stand and limp over to her friends. "YN, no matter what happens, I love you. Steve watch after our girl, please." Bucky says through gritted teeth.

"I love you too..." YN reponds, her vision now back, temporarily. She finally sees Bucky hanging on to a rail for his life.

The Hydra trooper's gun recharges and he shoots at YN, but she dodges. The blast hits Bucky's arm, now he's struggling to hold on with one arm.

"Oh my God! Bucky! I'm so sorry!" YN sobs. If she didn't dodge the attack her friend would still have two arms. "Please don't let go."

Bucky can't hold on any longer. He lets go. YN jumps out after him but Steve grabs her arm and pulls her back into the train.

YN turns to the trooper and blasts him with as much energy as she can. She then aims fire at his heart, burning through the armor and his chest.

Due to the blood loss in the girls leg, she passes out. Steve holds her in his arms and can't hold back the tears anymore. He picks her up and brings her to the engine room, where Jones is.

Jones puts a .45 on Zola's temple, while he's still on top of the train. "Stop this goddamned train." The doctor does as he's told. 

Just then, Steve walks in with YN in his arms. The men put pressure on YN's wound and bandage it. Now all they have to do is hope she wakes up soon or they've got to do the rest of the mission without her.

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