(3) Enlistment Office, Bayonne, N.J.

800 20 5

If something is typed like this that means it's a reading of some sort.


On a wall there's a paper that reads, "ELITE NAZI FORCES OVERRUN NORWEGIAN TOWN."

The army doctor calls for the next person to come up. "O'Connell, Michael..." The doctor puts down the paper revealing a young man standing before him. The young man stands in only his boxer shorts.

New York City, June 1943
Lots of half- dressed recruits read newspapers, waiting patiently to receive their exam results.

Another paper on the wall reads, "U- BOATS TORPEDO SHIP OFF COAST OF VIRGINIA."

The doctor continues calling out names. "Kaminsky, Henry..." Henry stands, tossing his paper to the side. He stares down at the next newsreader. On the newspaper he sees, "NAZIS BURN CZECH VILLAGE TO THE GROUND."

"Kinda makes you think twice about enlisting, huh." Kaminsky asks the person next to him. The person next to Henry lowers his paper, showing a small and frail young man. "Nope." the skinny man responds.

"Rogers, Steven." the army doctor calls out. Steve folds his paper and stands.

Steve goes over to the podium where a man stands with his exam results. Steve stands there anxiously waiting, while the army doctor scans his file. On Steve's file it has a dozen ailments checked off. "What did your father die of?" asks the doctor.

"Mustard gas." Steve quickly says. The doctor looks up at him. "1918. He was in the 107th Infantry. I was hoping to get assigned to them if-" Steve rants getting cut off by the doctor.

"And your mother?" the doctor questions Steve, ignoring his rant. Steve is slightly taken aback. "Few years back, she was a nurse in the TB ward. Got hit, couldn't shake it." Steve responds.

The doctor shakes his head. "They weren't weak, Doc; they were fighters. If you just give me a-"

"Sorry son. You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone." the doctor interrupts Rogers. "You can't do anything?" Steve asks desperately. 

The annoyed doctor responds, "I'm doing it. I'm saving your life." The doctor stamps Steve's paper with a "4F" stamp.

Steve leaves the enlistment office going to the local ice cream shop to meet up with one of his best friends, YN.

"Hey, Steve! How was the enlistment office?" YN asks curiously. Steve looks slightly disappointed. "Okay, by the look on your face I can tell it didn't go well. That sucks.. but now you can stay here with me and Bucky!" Steve chuckles lightly.

"As much as I'd love to stay here with you guys, I want to be in the army." Steve states. YN looks at him, sadly and sighs.

"Alright, but you can't keep lying on the forms Stevie, they'll catch you." YN says worriedly.

"I know, I know." Steve signs. "But I'm not gonna give up. You and Bucky know that." 

YN rolls her eyes. "Yeah, because you can do this all day." YN tells him sarcastically. The two friends share a laugh.

They get ice cream and decide to walk around a little. "Still wanna go see that movie?" Steve asks YN.

"Hell yea!" YN shouts a little too loudly. Steve looks at her and chuckles. The short frail guy stares at YN a little to long and she notices. "You okay?" she asks him.

"Hmm..? Oh... uh... yea" he stutters out, realizing he was staring. "I... uh... just zoned out." Little did YN know Steve was admiring her beauty. Lately, Steve has been catching feelings for her, but he won't act on them. One, because he's scared she won't want him since he's shorter than her and not her "type". Two, because he thinks she likes Bucky and it upsets him a little.

Bucky is a ladies man, he gets ALL the girls, and Steve gets none because of how he looks. Steve's a short, frail blonde. No girl wants to be with someone who's skinny and shorter than them. Except, YN.

YN does have feelings for Bucky, but she also likes Steve. She decided she won't act on her feelings for either guy because they are her best friends, and she can't break up their friendship because she chooses one friend over the other.

"Is Bucky coming with us?" YN asks Steve, hopeful. Steve shakes his head. "He's got a date with some girl." Steve tells her. YN cringes at his statement, Steve didn't notice.

Bucky has been going on A LOT of dates for the past 2 months. YN hates it and so does Steve, but they won't tell him that.

"How about you go home and get ready for the movie. I'll come by and we can walk to the cinema in a hour." YN nods and the friends go their separate ways.

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