(18) The Whip & Fiddle Pub

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Falsworth, Jones, Dernier, Morita, and Dugan lean on stools as Steve lines up at the dart board. "Let me get this straight." Dugan starts.

"We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back?" Jones finishes for Dugan. Steve casually throws the dart and gets a bullseye.

"Pretty much." Steve answers. The men look at each other for a long time. 

"Sounds rather a good time, actually." Falsworth breaks the silence. "I'm in." Morita agrees.

Steve looks to Dernier waiting for his answer. Dernier nods and starts speaking French, "I will fight until the last of those bastards is dead, chained or crying like a newborn!"

Jones laughs, "I hope all three!" Now Dernier laughs, clapping Jones on the shoulder. When the two look up they see the men with confused looks on their face, no one understood what was just said.

"Oh, uh, we're in." Jones confirms. Dugan finishes his beer, leaving a foam mustache. "I'll fight. Well, I'll always fight. But you gotta do one thing for me." Dugan tells Steve.

"What's that?" the blonde asks. Dugan hands his empty beer to Steve, "Open a tab." The men laugh and hand Steve their empty pint glasses. Steve grins and brings the empty glasses to the bar, where Bucky's waiting.

Steve places the empty glasses down. The bartender looks impressed, "Where are they putting all this?" Steve shrugs and turns to his friend.

"That was the easiest battle of the war." Bucky states. "What about you? You gonna follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" the blonde asks.

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight? I'm following him." Bucky says.

Bucky nods to a poster on the wall that reads, "PERFORMANCE CANCELLED- NOT TO BE RESCHEDULED." He looks back at Steve, "But your keeping this outfit, right?"

"Don't get your hopes up. It's not exactly regulation." Steve states. 

"I dunno. You saw the guys in Italy when you came back." the brunette pauses. "I don't think they were cheering just for you."

"Buck... What's going on between you and YN. I saw the way you guys looked at each other when we got back. And that hug wasn't like any other hug you've given her before." Steve asks.

"Oh, uh..." Bucky sighs, "My last day, which was at the expo... She didn't want me to leave. Then, she told me she loves me. Now, don't get me wrong I love her too. I really do, but she also is in love with another person."

"Oh... Who's the other guy? We know him?" Steve asks, hurt YN isn't in love with him. Bucky thinks about whether or not he should tell Steve that it's him.

He finally decides he'll tell him. "Yeah we know him... And he's sitting right next to me." Steve looks shocked. "But, Steve, I see the way you look at Peggy. I can tell you like her."

"I do like Peggy... but I also like YN. God, why does it have to be like this." Steve whines. "I dunno. But you've gotta make up your mind. Who do you want. YN also needs to make up her mind." Steve nods.

Meanwhile, outside YN and Peggy are having a similar conversation. "Pegs, I have a question." Peggy nods. YN continues, "Do you like Steve?"

"Yes, I have taken a liking to him. But, I think he likes the both of us." YN looks up at her confused. "Oh, come on, are you seriously confused. Do you not see the way he looks at you?" the red head asks.

"Uh, no. I see the way he looks at you though. I didn't know Steve liked me. This complicates things even more now." This time Peggy's confused. "I'm in love with both Steve and Bucky. I know Bucky loves me too, and now Steve has feelings for me. Also, you've been added to the equation because you like Steve."

Peggy sighs, "Well, isn't this lovely." she lightly chuckles. "I guess you and Steve need to make a decision." YN nods. 'When I told Steve I can't wait for him to meet Peggy and that he'd love her I didn't mean literally.' YN thinks to herself.

"Damn, can't I have both?" Peggy laughs. "Maybe, that is if Steve picks you... That wasn't supposed to sound mean. I'm sorry." 

YN giggles "No, no. It's okay. I understood what you mean." Peggy smiles.

The girls enter the pub. Everyone stops what their doing when they see the two. Steve and Bucky are the last two to notice.

'Peggy? Can you hear me' YN asks into Peggy's mind. Peggy whips her head to look at YN, who's just smiling. 'I'll take that as a yes. Don't mention my powers to the boys. I'll do it when it's the right time.' Peggy nods.

The two girls make their way to Steve and Bucky. The boys notice the girls out of uniform and they look great. "Captain." Peggy greets.

Steve stands, "Agent Carter." Bucky chimes in, "Ma'am." 

YN stands there awkwardly. 'Am I invisible?' YN says into Peggy's mind. Peggy tries to hold in her laughter.

"Hi Stevie, Bucket." YN greets. "Hey (NN)." the boys say in unison, looking at Peggy like she crazy. "You okay, Pegs?"

"Oh, I hate you, YN." Peggy retorts. YN busts out laughing, the red head rolls her eyes. Peggy turns to Steve, "Howard's got some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning."

"That sounds fine." the blonde responds. The Howling Commandos (Falsworth, Dugan, Dernier, Jones and Morita) begin singing horribly. "Wow, I wish I could un- hear that." YN says making the group laughs.

"I see your crack squad is prepping for duty." the red head states. "You don't like music?" Bucky asks. 

"I do actually." she eyes Steve. "I may even, when this is all over, go dancing."

Bucky grins and nods at the dance floor. "Then what are you waiting for?" The red head, still looking at the blonde says, "The right partner." She smiles and walks away.

"8:00, Captain." she calls out while walking away. "Yes ma'am. I'll be there." he tells her, and with that Peggy's gone leaving the best friends standing at the bar. 'WHAT?' YN thought to herself.

"Look at us. Finally, together again." YN says smiling. The boys smile too. "I'm going to go over to those drunk men and ask them who wants to dance." YN states, wanting to see the boys reaction. She starts walking away.

"No your not!" Steve and Bucky say, Bucky grabbing her by the waist. "Jealous much." YN jokes. 

"You're dancing with me. End of discussion." the brunette begins pulling the girl to the dance floor.

He places his hands on her hips and she puts hers on his shoulders. They sway back and fourth to the beat of the slow music. "You know, I wasn't actually going to ask them, right?" YN asks. "I just wanted to see how you guys would react."

"Are you happy with the reaction, doll?" he asks. YN smiles and nods. "I'm sorry about how we left things." he continues.

"What do you mean?" the confused girl asks. 

"At the expo, when you told me how you felt, and all I said was "Wow". I was just shocked and then I let you walk away. I was so stupid, letting the love of my life walk away. You probably thought I said I love you just so I didn't hurt your feelings, but..." he pauses. "I really do love you, YN. But you also love Steve and I'm not saying you need to choose, but that's exactly what I'm saying."

YN chuckles and looks down. "I know, but can't I have both." Bucky laughs. "I wish this was easy, but it's not. I love you both, and I don't want to lead anyone on... I just... I don't know if I can make a decision."

"If you choose Steve and he chooses you, just know I'll be you guys' number one supporter. If you choose me, I'll be the happiest man alive." YN giggles. "Whatever your decision is... I'll always love you, no matter what." he finishes.

"Damn it, Bucket. I didn't want to cry today." the girl says, shedding a few tears. "When the wars over, I promise I'll have a decision. I'll always love you, no matter what." she tells him.

They stare into each other's eyes, deeply. They slowly lean their in. Faces now inches apart, Bucky asks, "Can I kiss you?" She hums in response. He brings his hand to cup her check and closes the space in between them.

The kiss is soft and full of love. When they kiss it feels like everything around them fades, they feel as if the world stops, feeling like it's just them in the pub. After a few seconds they pull away. YN smiles at Bucky. 

"Wow.." he says. "I should've kissed you sooner." YN giggles. The two dance and talk for hours, until the pub closes. They say their goodbyes, and go their separate ways.

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