(9) Flashbacks

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Steve is sitting alone on his bunk. Around him are 11 other bunks, which lie stripped, footlockers empty. Dr. Erskine enters with a bottle of Schnapps. "Can't sleep?" the old man questions.

"Got the jitters, I guess." the blonde answers. Erskine nonchalantly shows Steve his bottle, "Me, too."

"Can I ask you a question?" says the inquisitive blonde. "Just one?" the doctor replies with his own question.

"Why me?" Erskine takes a moment to think about what the blonde in front of him said. Then sighs and pulls up a chair. 

"I suppose that is the only question that matters." He notions for Steve to grab a few water glasses. He holds up the Schnapps.

"Made in Augsburg. My city. So many forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own." the doctor explains, Steve looks off into the distance. "I don't excuse what my people have become. After the first war, my people struggled... they felt weak, small. Then Hitler comes with big show, the marching. He finds me. Hears of my work. You, he says, will make us strong."

A younger Dr. Erskine works in a Berlin lab, with Johann Schmidt, who wears a Nazi armband.

"I am not interested. He sends the head of HYDRA, his research division. A brilliant scientist named Johann Schmidt. Schmidt was a member of the inner circle, ambitious, obsessed with occult power and Teutonic myth. He and Hitler shared a passion for violence and Wagner."

Steve has a blank expression on his face. "German operas about war and heroes. Blood and race. Gods afoot upon the Earth." the doctor speaks again, shaking his head. "Me, I like jazz." Steve smiles and Erskine goes on.

"Hitler uses these fantasies to inspire his followers. But Schmidt... he does not believe in fantasy. For him, it is real." the old man finishes.

Flashback Berlin, 1938:
Schmidt peruses an ancient tome.

"He became convinced that a great power had been hidden on Earth left here by the gods - waiting to be seized by a superior man."

Schmidt speaks with Erskine, who shakes his head.

"And when he understood what my formula could do, Schmidt could not resist..."

Schmidt is now in a complete Nazi uniform, pressing a luger in between Erskine's eyes.

"He had to become that superior man." Erskine now becomes silent. He just stares into his hands.

"Did it make him strong?" Steve finally speaks up. "Yes, but there were other... effects." the doctor says providing Steve with an answer.

Schmidt lays on a lab table, sleeves rolled up.

"The serum was not ready, but more important, the man..."

Another Nazi has their gun pointed at Erskine. Abraham Erskine hesitates to stick Schmidt with the needle. Johann grows impatient, yanks the needle from the doctor and injects himself.

"The serum amplifies what is inside."

Johann's eyes bulge.

"Good becomes great..."

His skin begins to burn. He starts screaming.

"Bad becomes worse..." Erskine pours schnapps into the glasses. "This is why you were chosen. A strong man, he might lose respect for the power if he has had it all his life. But a weak man knows the value of strength... and compassion."

"Thanks. I think." the blonde responds. Erskine chuckles and puts his glasses on. YN sneaks into the room thinking Steve would be alone. She sees the doctor and decides to hang out in the shadows for a little.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, promise me you'll stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier..." the doctor taps Steve's chest with one finger, looking into his eyes. "But a good man." Steve clanks his glass against the doctors.

"To the little guys." Steve cheers. YN moves out of the shadows towards the two men, knowing Steve shouldn't be drinking.

YN takes the glass out of Steve's hand and drinks it, handing him the empty glass. "What's so important about tomorrow. And Doctor you know he isn't supposed to be drinking." YN sits down next to Steve.

"Tomorrow Steve will take the Super Soldier Serum. And yes, I was about to grab the drink from him. I just remembered." YN looks to Steve. "You're gonna be safe. I promise. Dr. Erskine, me and other intelligent scientists worked hard to make this serum perfect."

Steve looks to YN and gives her a smile. He looks back to the doctor. "We'll drink after." 

Doctor Erskine shakes his head. "I don't have procedure tomorrow." he takes a sip. "Is very good. I save you a little." The three share a laugh.

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