(16) Saving the 107th

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YN, Steve and Peggy finally reach Phillips tent. They see a Corporal type. Across the tent is Colonel Phillips, signing a stack of papers. "Well if it isn't "the star- spangled man with the plan." What is your plan exactly?" the Colonel mocks, looking up from the papers.

"Azzano. I want to see the causality list." the blonde retorts. Phillips points to the rank insignia on his collar. "You don't get to give me orders, "Captain."' Phillips tells him.

"I don't need the whole list. Just one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th." Steve says not giving up. "Please..." YN adds in.

The Colonel looks to Peggy and YN, "You two and I are going to have a conversation later that you won't enjoy-" 

YN speaks up, "With all due respect, Colonel. I had no idea that the men coming back were from the 107th. Me and Steve's best friend James Barnes was in that division. So, we just want to see if he's okay. Please."

Peggy sees how much YN and Steve care about James, so she joins in, "Sir, Rogers is only on loan to the USO. Officially, he is still SSR." Phillips stares at Steve, then YN, finally giving in.

"Barnes?" the Colonel asks for confirmation. YN and Steve nod. Phillips picks up a thick stack of papers, looking through the first few. "I've signed more condolence letters today than I'd care to count. But that name does sound familiar. I'm sorry." he continued.

Steve goes pale and YN starts sobbing uncontrollably. Peggy holds YN in her arms, whispering "It's okay, everything is okay." into her ear. Steve looks over to a map of Austria on the wall, next to aerial pictures of a facility.

"What about the others? You're planning a rescue mission?" Steve questions. "Yeah. It's called "winning the war."' Phillips answers.

"But if you know where they are-" the blonde starts, but is cut off by Phillips. "They're thirty miles behind the lines. Through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. I don't expect you to understand that, because you are a chorus girl."

"I think I understand pretty well." Steve claps back. 

"Then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters right, you've got somewhere to be in a half hour." the Colonel states. "Yes, sir. I do." the blonde responds.

YN decides to read Steve's mind and hears, 'I'm going to find you Bucky.' Just as Steve walks out of the tent, YN rushes out after him.

"Steve!" she calls out. He turns to look at her. "Steve, you've got to let me come with you. Please." He gives her a confused look.

"What do you mean?" he asks her. "I'm not stupid, Stevie. You're going to look for Bucky and I'm going with you." Steve shakes his head, vigorously.

"Absolutely not! If Bucky really is gone I can't take the chance of losing you too. I'll be fine, YN. I told you I'll always come back to you." He walks off, and she doesn't follow him.

YN sees Peggy leaving the tent and goes to her. "Pegs, we need to go to Howard. Steve is going to ask Stark to fly him to the HYDRA facility. If we can't stop Steve from going, the least we can do is be there for him before he leaves." Peggy nods and the two girls begin to search for Howard

"The Hydra camp is Krausberg, tucked between two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind." Peggy states. 

YN and Peggy convinced Steve to let them be on the plane with him on his way to the facility. YN and Steve sit on one side of the plane and Peggy sits on the other side. Stark is flying the plane.

Howard leans back from the controls. "We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep." Stark shouts over the rumbling noises from the plane.

"Just get me as close as you can." the blonde pauses looking to YN, then Peggy. "You know, you guys are going to be in a lot of trouble when you land." YN shrugs and Peggy responds, "And you're not?"

"Yeah, but where I'm landing, if anyone yells at me, I get to shoot them." Cap tells her. "They're undoubtedly going to shoot back." the red head states. 

Steve shows her the shield on his back. "It's got to be good for something." he tells the girls. 

Howard decides to mess with Steve, "Agent Carter, if we're not in too much of a hurry, I thought we'd stop in Lucerne for a late night fondue." Howard starts grinning and Steve's a little tweaked.

"Why is he saying "fondue" like that? What's fondue?" Steve asks the girls. YN's trying to hold in her laughter. Peggy is amused by the blondes reaction and plays along, teasing Steve, "Stark's the best civilian pilot I've ever seen, and mad enough to brave this airspace. We're lucky to have him."

Steve's still stuck on the fondue comment. "Do you, are you two... fondue?" YN starts dying from laughing. Steve looks at her, lost.

Peggy remains professional, "Take this transponder. Activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us right to you."

Steve looks at the insignia on the transponder, seeing, "STARK INDUSTRIES." "You sure it works?" he asks a little skeptical of the device.

"It's been tested more than you have." Howard tells him. BAM! The plane turns slightly to the left, but enough for the people inside to feel it. Stark begins maneuvering the plane to avoid getting hit again. Steve stands putting his parachute on, and throws open the jump door.

"Steven Grant Rogers, sit the hell down!" YN tells him. "Rogers, get back here. We're taking you all the way in!" Peggy chimes in.

More explosions can be heard. Steve now realizing what he's about to do. He turns to look at the girls, "ONCE I'M CLEAR, TURN THIS THING AROUND AND GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouts at them.

"YOU CAN'T GIVE US ORDERS!" Peggy and YN shout in unison. 

"THE HELL I CAN'T!" he shouts back hanging onto the doorway. "I'M A CAPTAIN!" The plane lurches again and Steve jumps.

YN runs to the doorway yelling, "YOU BETTER STAY ALIVE STEVE! AND BRING BUCKY HOME!" Peggy swears under he breath. She then signals to Howard to turn around and leave.

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