37| Past

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Chapter 37: Past (Gianna's POV)

I closed the portfolio for the upcoming dresses and sighed, standing up and closing everything off. It's finally time for the lunch break. I know that Ace is waiting on that confirmation from his new client today, so instead of asking him to come to a restaurant or to my office, I thought I'd visit him today with some food. 

So, I stopped by a restaurant and got us some Italian food and then drove myself to Delirium. I parked the car, grabbed my purse and the bag from the restaurant, and headed inside. 

"Mrs. Allister," Owen smiled, getting the door for me. 

"Hi, Owen," I smiled back, thanking him for opening the door and then heading inside. I got to his office door and knocked. 

"Come in!" 

I pushed it open and strolled in and over to his desk. "Hi," I sang, putting the food on the table, taking out the boxes. 

"Hi," he sighed, spinning his chair away from the table, to the left while I walked around the table and to him. 

"You look more tired than me today, what happened?" I chuckled softly while he pulled me into his lap, his arms holding my waist tightly. 

"This client is taking very long to respond and it's annoying me now. I might just call it off." He mumbled while kissing my cheek. 

"And who is this client that is causing you so much trouble? I doubt I can help but I'd love to curse at them. Who is it?" 

"Tony Thorn. You know him?" 

My smile fell instantly and I felt chills erupting all over my body as my blood ran cold. 


"Did you just say 'Tony Thorn?'" 

"Yeah," he said slowly. "Why?" 

I climbed off of his lap and stood in front of him. "Do you even know who he is, Ace?" 

He shrugged, "I know he's part of this business and I'm going to meet him today to strike a deal. That is if he calls back. Why? How do you know him?" 

"You're not meeting him." 

He frowned, "Why?" 

"You don't even know who he is." 

"Do you?" He lifted a brow at me. 

I sighed, staring at him. I have to tell him. If I want to convince him not to meet the man who I am most terrified of, I need to tell him how I know that man and why I'm really terrified of him in the first place. "He's a Russian mobster, don't you know that?" I huffed. 

"Yeah, so? He comes to Chicago once a year to strike deals with people and he goes to New York too. Why is that so important?" 

"Do you know his protocol?" I asked slowly. 

He shook his head, blinking at me. 

"If he doesn't like your deal, he kills you on the spot, Allister. He believes that you offered him such a bad deal because you think lowly of him and he loses his mind. He is insane, seriously." 

"Then I'll make sure he accepts my deal." 

I gritted my teeth. "That's even worse." 


"Because not only will he go through with the deal, but he'll demand something else. A bonus. Usually a woman. And you just got married. To me! And everybody knows it." 

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