23| Drown

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Chapter 23: Drown (Gianna's POV)

After eating all the brownies and then spending two hours doing absolutely nothing, we found ourselves back in the kitchen. Not to eat, but because we were bored. He tried getting me to talk more about myself but I kept turning the question to him and he kept dodging it. 

"Let's go swimming," I said out of nowhere. 


"You have a pool in the backyard, I saw it on the night of our engagement. Let's swim. It's June, if we don't swim now then when will we?" 

He sighed, "Okay." 

Then we went back upstairs. I grabbed a black bikini with matching bottoms and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me, leaving him to change out in the room. I threw my hair up in a bun at the top of my head and while I did that, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. I checked myself out front and back. 

This isn't the first time he'll be seeing me this naked, he did at the store as well, when he first kissed me, but I felt conscious about it today. I'm his wife, he might have certain expectations that I should meet if I want him to want me. But I liked my body the way it is, so it would really piss me off if he didn't like something about it or asked me to change something about it, not to mention, he has no right to do that. 

I grabbed my sunscreen and put it on, keeping the bottle in my hand as I opened the door. I tossed it to him. "Here. Put some on." I went back into the bathroom and grabbed two towels, one for him and one for me, obviously. When I walked back out, he was rubbing sunscreen onto his arms while staring at me. 

His lips were parted, his jaw almost slack while he started like a teenage boy. 


He blinked, snapping out of it. 

"What do you think you're looking at?" 

He pointed at me. "You." 

I rolled my eyes, taking the bottle out of his hands, leaving it on the bathroom counter. When I walked back over, I found him very shamelessly still checking me out. "Hey!" 

"What? You've checked me out like this twice," he mumbled, his eyes going up and down at a leisurely pace. 

"Come on," I laughed, sticking my hand out. 

He eyed it warily and then put his hand in mine, standing up and walking with me. 

I left the towels on a sun lounger while he walked down the steps and into the water. "Is it cold?" I asked, kicking my flip-flops off. 

"It's so hot outside, why would it be cold?" 

"I don't know," I mumbled, stopping when I was waist-deep. 

He grabbed my hands and pulled me further in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kept me close to him while he walked along the bottom of the pool, taking both of us deeper and deeper. I chuckled, watching him. "What?" He squinted slightly under the sun. 

"What if I just drown you here?" 

Am I a psychopath?

"Here? In eight feet of water?" 

I nodded, watching as he tried to blow his hair out of his eyes. I lifted my hand and brushed it away. 

"I think you're forgetting something, little Phoenix." 

"What's that, Allister?" 

"You're five foot four." 


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