Salazar: :?

Rosie: Aren't they cute?

Salazar: :I

Rosie: Super duper cute.

Salazar: Cuter than me?

Rosie: Awww, nothing's cuter than you!

Salazar: :)

Rosie: But they are pretty gosh darn cute.

Salazar: :I


Tom: Rosie?

Rosie: Yes, love?

Tom: There's another dead rabbit in the yard.

Rosie: Oh gosh. Wonder what's killing all the critters.

Salazar: :)

Tom: -stares at Salazar-

Salazar: :)


Salazar: :)

Tom: Huh.

Salazar: :)

Rosie: Something wrong, dear?

Tom: He's definitely my son.

Rosie: ??? Was that in doubt???

Salazar: :)


Tom: Salazar, would you like to go hunting with me and your uncles?

Salazar: Hunting?

Tom: For sport.

Salazar: What are we hunting?

Tom: All sorts of creatures.

Salazar: Okay.

Rosie: :( Isn't he a bit young for that? He's only six.

Tom: I don't think age will stop him, dear.

Rosie: :?

Tom: He'll be fine. He should know how to clean up at least.

Rosie: Um, okay. If you're sure.

Tom: Very.

Salazar: It's okay, Mama. I want to go.

Rosie: Okay, sweetie, I won't stop you. For tonight, do you wanna help Mama make another potion?

Salazar: Yes.

Rosie: Aww. I love spending time with you, my little cutie patootie.

Salazar: :)

Rosie: -kisses Salazar's nose- So precious! Isn't he such a sweetie, Tom?

Salazar: :)


Salazar: :)


Tom: Ha.


Rosie: Baby!

Salazar: Mama!

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