chapter ten

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"I told you that you would end up together in the end felix!" jisung yells and felix just chuckles.

"come on, let's go" felix nods as chan grabs his luggage and they leave the airport, with the three others behind them.

"this is so exciting! now we both have boyfriends felix!" jisung says.

"my little bro is growing up" minho says and felix just rolls his eyes.

"come on let's just go" felix opens the door to jisung's car and gets in the back.

"there isn't enough room" hyunjin says then chan gets in and he shows a signal for felix to sit on his lap.

he chuckles as he sits on his lap.

the whole ride it was chan and felix being all cute, which made hyunjin a their wheel in the back.

"hyunjin why don't you date anyone?" jisung asks.

"hyunjin does have a boyfriend" chan says and hyunjin looks at him that he wants him to be quiet.

"you do? who?" felix looks at him and he sighs.

"you guys are gonna be mad" hyunjin crosses his arms.

"wait you know who it is?" felix looks at chan who nods.

chan whispers in his ear and felix makes a shocked face.

"him!?" chan nods and hyunjin looks down, then he looks out the window.

"who is it!? who is it!?"

"just keep driving jisung when we get home I'll tell you" felix says and jisung just sighs then he nods as he keep driving.

when they get back to felix and minho's house, jisung quickly gets inside so he can find out who hyunjin's boyfriend is.

"now tell me" he crosses his arms.

"it's changbin" chan says and jisung's mouth turns to an o shape, while hyunjin avoids looking at them, he was afraid of what their reactions would be.

"him!? really!? when!? how!?" jisung lets out and hyunjin sighs.

"it turns out he's not like what you think" hyunjin says and his phone buzzes. "speaking of"

he goes outside to take the call with changbin, while the others make themselves at home and relax.

"so what now?" felix asks.

"hm I don't know... we all have someone now, there's nothing really else to happen to us next" jisung says.

felix's phone rings, and he sees it's an unknown number, so he ignores it.

when hyunjin comes back in, the others let out 'oo's' and he just rolls his eyes.

"he was talking to his boyfriiieeeennnddd" felix and jisung let out in unison, while hyunjin rolls his eyes again.

"hey felix" chan looks at him.


"well... I'm curious as to how long you've liked me for" felix looks down and his cheeks turn a light red color.

"uh... well..."

"it's been a while hasn't it?" felix just nods, he doesn't look at him.

"so that's why you went along with the bet!" chan wraps his arms around him and felix rolls his eyes, but then nods.

"oh shit!" jisung looks at felix in shock.

"hey chan" minho interrupts them. "you hurt my brother, you're dead"

"yeah yeah" chan says and felix just chuckles.

"come on minho"

"y'all are in love and it makes me grossed out" hyunjin just gags while the others look at him because he had a boyfriend himself.

felix's phone buzzes, he checks to see he has a voicemail from the same number that called him a few minutes ago.

as he listens to the voicemail, his jaw drops and suddenly his phone falls out of his hand because he was in so much shock.


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