chapter seven

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"no I don't want to go to france!"

"too bad, you're going" chan's mom hanji looks at him.

"no! I'm not leaving here!"

"you've got nothing here, without us you wouldn't have such a fabulous life" she says.

"uh... no! have you ever asked me what I wanted? I hate being rich! I hate being used!"

"just go upstairs and pack your stuff! we leave the day after tomorrow" she walks away to go upstairs into her room.

chan sighs heavily and stomps up to his room.

"this is bullshit!" chan yells purposely outside his parents' bedroom door.

"you can't do anything about it you're still a minor young man!" she yells back to him.

"just let me be happy for once!" chan slams his bedroom door shut and plops on his bed, angry for the rest of the night.


"you're moving!?" hyunjin looks at chan as he opens his locker.

"yeah, I hate that my parents never listen to me"

"I can't help but overhear, you're moving?" felix looks at chan.


"finally! I can be free!" felix smiles and chan looks down.

"yeah. great" chan closes his locker and walks away to go to class even before the bell rang.

"aren't you upset chan's leaving?" jisung looks at him.

"hell no! this is great news!"

"you may think that now but when he actually leaves you won't want him to go" hyunjin walks away,

"yeah right" felix crosses his arms. "wait a second! the bet!"

felix goes after chan.

"what about the bet?" felix looks at chan, and he turns around.

"oh, right. well... here" chan takes out his wallet and give felix 300,000 KRW.

"wait, why are you giving me this now? and it was 200,000"

"well since I won't be here anymore, there's no point of getting you to fall in love with me. congratulations. you win"

"what about the money?"

"keep yourself going, don't give up. I hope someday you'll be somewhere better, and you'll be happy" the bell rings and chan walks away.

"300,000 KRW!? yes! let's get a big dinner tonight!" jisung says and minho nods to agree with him.

"why...? why did he... why did he do all of this...?" felix snaps out of it and goes to class.

lunch time rolls around, and there was no sight of chan.

"hey hyunjin where's chan?" jisung stops hyunjin when he gets his food.

"he wanted to have lunch by himself today, he didn't want anyone seeing him upset" hyunjin says and felix pounds on the table.

"where is he?"

"in the hallway—" felix gets up and leaves the canteen to find chan outside the canteen sitting against the wall.

"I told you it's okay to be upset and let your emotions out" felix says, chan looks at him.

"why are you talking to me? I thought I'm supposed to never talk to you again"

"yeah but that doesn't mean I can't" felix sits next to him.

"look... you're lucky to have money... I'm barely able to survive every month when rent comes along. minho is always stressed about his job... and I hate having to use jisung's parents money... I feel so greedy to them" felix looks down.

"you're not. you're the opposite"

"yeah well... my point is just be lucky you don't have to worry about surviving without much money" chan looks at him and nods softly.

"well... I guess I'll see you... um... I don't know when I'm gonna see you again actually..." chan looks down.

"yeah... well... see ya" felix gets up and chan grabs his arm.

"can I... hug you?"


"I just... want to hug you... I won't bother you again... please?"

"fine, nobody's looking so do it now" felix says and chan stands up to wrap his arms around his waist, his chin resting on his left shoulder.

felix hesitated to hug him back, when he was about to, chan breaks it.

"well... see ya..." chan walks away with a sad expression, felix just standing there.


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