"Tsubaki look at me." He held my face and made me look at him. Hes angry i know.
"Tsubaki your leaving us. Your leaving someone yu love the most. Were bestfriends tsubaki. Are you really sure about this?!" My tears flowed again. I nodded vigorously.
"Yes i want to leave" my head is starting tk ache becayse of the crying and my body heating up.
"Your stronger than this tsubaki i know that because ive been with you and kousei. This is not the time to chicken out ya know!"he squeezed my face and hugged me.
"I knowww" i said in a whiny tone.

"Then dont. It will be more hard. Our friendship will be ruined. I dont even think your gonna keep in touch with us the moment yu leave tsubaki." I admit he is right i wont have the courage to do so.

"B-but its hard for me. Im selfiah i know but i dont want this kind of pain anymoreee. Im tireed watari for years i hid my love for him because i dont want to ruin our friendship but now I can escape from it."

"But your still ruining it. Your a part of us." He said in a whispery tone.

"Im sorryyy" i cried on his shoulderss.

I cried like 10 minutes until i calmed down.

"Its your final decision now?" He asked again for assurance.

"Emm" i replied with a nod still stoping myself from the hiccups.

"You think you'll be happy there?" I don't really know so i just bowed my head with no answers. While biting my lips.

"B-but i will be strong watari. I will be strong with or without him i will...... i will be back after i move on and as early as i can" i said and stand up. My shoes are wet because of the waves.

"Sigh lets go now we've been here for an hour so we've got to go aunt and uncle must be worried now." He said and started walking. I pursed my lips. I just remembered he's got some things to say too. And all of the time was consumed by me.

"Heyy since i talked so much a while ago your not able to talk about your problem at all." I said guilty of the happening. It would be out of my character but i fidgeted my fingers like a kid.

"Meh its almost just like yours" he said waving it off. I gave him a flat face. I know he's got something to say tsch.

"No i wanna listen because you don't usually talk about girls your serious with cause your a womanizer haha" i said with a tired laugh. That crying really made me lose energy than playing softbOhhh yeah almos forgot about that.

"Fine. I love kaori and i think she likes kousei. This is the first time i get to be serious with a girl and i ruined it. She slapped me a while a go because of something stupid that i said." He says while having a sad smile plastered on his face.

"That explains that rossy cheek of yours." I said pointing at his left cheek. I don't wanna laugh cause this is something serious. He didnt even laugh when i talked about my problem.

"Heh stop it haha" he laughed while i tried not to.

"Tell her your sorry about it. Ok? Dont give up on her" stuped advice tsch.

"Says the one whos givin up on someone heh very good being a model tsubaki" ugh i know i know dont rub it on my face.

"Yeah i just cant tell you to give up ya know. Your different from me. But i know your also tired. Your also in pain." I must consider what he's also feelin right now.

"Meh tsubaki when are yu leaving??" Im actually not sure about that thing but ill just tell him its a day before tomorrow.

"Maybe a day after tomorrow. We've already got our permission from the principal so yeah. I guess thats a goodbye. I will try to contact yu at UK. I will bid them goodbye so don't worry. I will also pray for success on her surgery. You should also visit her a the hospital ya know." I said and patted his back.

"Hm yeah i should. By the way let me carry you to your house your limping ya know i didnt saw it earlier cause im walking ahead of yu. I kinda noticed it too when your at the door of the rooftop" Ohhh that reminds me of my injury while we are practicing. It hurtsss so mucchhh!

"Fine but ones at the street where we part im fine by my own.You said earlier you've got some things to do at your right? You should prioritize that. Besides its just a short walk."

"Sigh your stupid but please refrain from making it worse ok?" Im glad i have him as a bestfriend.

"Hai hai" i said with agreement.

It was a silent walk and it was a pleasant one. Quiet but not awkward. While carrying me i watched the skies as it starts to shine because of the stars.

Then the came to a stop. That means were at our destination. *sigh* i will really miss him when i leave.

"Were here tsubaki call me when your back home" he said and waved goodbye. I gave him a wide smile and a thank your for earlier.

I watched him walk away. Now that im all calm i realized my foot really hurts. It might be because of adrenaline thats why i didnt care for it awhile ago.

"Sighh im hungrry i should go back home im tired of all that stupid drama." I walked to the direction of my house.
"*Yawwnnn*" im sleepyyy
"Mphhhh" i accidentally used my right foot. I now even dont know if this is more painful than crying for about an hour.

"*step* step* step*" my brows creased because someones coming. Wait did watari came back?

"Watari we agreed yu dont have to carry me all the way home go deal with the matters yu said.*sigh* i already took a lot of your tim---" i shut my mouth the moment i saw not watari but kousei. Welp this aint good.

Thats all for now sorry. Will update next time.

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