Chapter 16

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As weeks past the two repaired what was once broken between them. Through words or intimate touches. However Eva could not help but to think about the situation that caused them to reasonably part for that moment. 

How she was so wrapped around his finger that a single bat of the eyelids and a simple apology she was back to being his little puppy that follows him around and obeys his every word. There was absolutely no doubt that she was his person. 

But every time he calls her she goes to him and it takes a piece of her away and replaces it with him. She didn't mind but the thoughts stuck to her brain in the pauses between minutes and seconds.   

Tom was stood in his room his black tailored shirt sat on his body as he threaded the buttons through their required holes leaving the top two undone to give his neck room to move. The black pants were secured around his waist with a belt to secure them onto his lean body. His hair was the same as when he woke with a simple hand ran through it and his face was cleanly shaven. 

Eva was still sound asleep, her eyes delicately closed as her chest rose and fell with each breath she took. She was comforted in the covers of Toms bed and she slowly stirred with the subtle light breaking through the windows of his room. 

"Morning sleepy" Tom spoke as he leant down the kiss her forehead as he held a deep red tie in one hand and black in the other switching them against his shirt in the mirror to see which looked better. 

"Black tie definitely black" Eva groggily yawned making his decision for him and with her words he placed the thread of the tie around his neck and tied a swift knot buttoning the second to top button up but leaving the top still undone flipping the collar over the tie.

"Get up and get dressed i'm taking you for lunch after this board meeting" his voice was joyful as he sprayed the aftershave sitting on his bedside table onto his writs and then his shirt. 

A few moment passed as Eva walked down his stairs in her beige slinky dress that stuck to her perfectly to a plate of toast and orange juice. 

She sat on the oak table as she watched tom fiddle with the Laces on his, again, black smart shoes as she finished the last of the toast leaving the crusts on her plate. 

Eva heard a few slight "fucks" and "you have to be kidding me" as she washed her things and put them back where they belong, before she turned to see him still somehow struggling to wrap the laces in a neat knot. 

"Here" she chuckled kneeling down to floor level while her dainty fingers tied tight bows on the tops of his shoes.

 As she moved to the second shoe his hand ran through her hair pulling slightly as she looked up with a smile to posses the joy of finishing his shoes he pulled her up, his hand entangled in her hair.

 "Thank you ever so much doll" he said In the familiar husky tone before wrapping his hand around her back bringing her into him tightly, he kissed her with all the passion he could physically give. 

His hands slid from her back to his belt. His hands messing around with the buckle and until Eva pulled apart her eyes locking onto his as she dropped her knees.

 She undid the button holding the fabric together and pulled the zip down. Her hands grasping his smart pants and pulling them to his ankles his boxers shortly following. 

"Fuck Eva" Toms head slowly went back as her hands traced the v line on his body before reaching his obviously needing area. Her mouth met the tip as she swirled her tongue causing Toms breath to hitch at the pleasure. 

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