These Are My Colors

41 7 13

Sunny's POV

"HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!" Mia Fernandez said, shaking me awake. I groaned and rolled over, then rolled back towards Mia and cracked a smile. I scrambled out of bed and got my asexual pride shirt from the closet and my abrosexual pride flag that was draped on the chair.

"Who called for a flaming bisexual?" Grace Khatri said, coming in the room dressed head to toe in pink, purple, and blue. I laughed and hugged Grace. "I feel like I'm underdressed compared to you."

"You should see Lars. He went all out." Grace said. At that moment, Lars Sua ran into the room, a pansexual pride flag behind their ear, a polyamorus flag tied around her like a cape, and he was holding a genderfluid pride flag like a stick. Not to mention they were wearing a "Love is Love" T-shirt with rainbow leggings and a pansexual colored skirt.

"Now I really feel underdressed." I said. "And Lars, you can seriously rock a skirt."

"I know, right?" Lars said. I laughed and then Mia came in looking like a walking pride flag.

"I wonder what Kai Hudson thinks of all this." Grace smirked. I tried my best to stifle my cackles. Kai was this homophobic idiot at our school who always made comments about how "the gays always get special treatment, it's not fair." along with similar comments.

It doesn't get under our skin. In fact, my friends and I find it hilarious.

And as expected, Kai Hudson was standing in the hallway wearing an American flag as a cape. Grace tried to stifle her laughter as Lars walked up to him.

"What is the meaning of wearing that? That's not a pride flag and you darn well know it." Lars said. "Even my baby sister can tell that is not a pride flag."

Grace looked at Lars, confused. "Won't your baby sister not be born for another 4 months?"


"You guys are being homophobic! This is my identity, it's who I am!" Kai whined.

"Ah yes, cause identifying as a country is completely valid. Yeah, no, uh, Kai? You're pathetic, honey." Lars said. We all high-fived them and went to the atrium.

"Woah." Evie Schubert said, gripping onto her aromantic pride flag for dear life. "This is the gayest thing I've ever seen in my life."

And she was right. There was a lesbian couple kissing on the top stair. Two kids with transgender flags running around with no one yelling at them or telling time to stop. Other ace kids like me. Non-binary kids, genderqueer kids, demigirls and demiboys, almost every single letter in our community's long acronym was standing in the atrium.

And the best part was that only 8 kids in the entire school were American. We all came from different places, with different laws and different opinions on the LGBTQ+.

And despite some of us coming from homophobic and transphobic families, towns, cities, even entire countries, we were standing here for one thing.

We were here to show the world that love is love. And love is a beautiful thing.

"This is amazing." Lars said, putting her head on my shoulder and crying a little.

"It really is. Look at the tolerance in this room, the acceptance, the friendship. I don't think half of the kids in this room will ever get an experience like this back home." I said.

Lars put his polyamorous flag down on the ground and picked up a rainbow one, draping it over the both of us. "Here's to love." they said, holding up her water bottle.

"To love." I said, toasting him with mine.

I looked at my friends and the scene around me. Mia and Evie giggling on the stairs together. Grace and Harley Phan, her girlfriend, hugging and kissing without a care in the world.

There were kids I barely knew grabbing me by the arm and asking for a selfie and exchanging phone numbers. I met a fellow Japanese boy who was a junior, and we FaceTimed with his boyfriend who lived in Australia.

I even saw my English teacher running by with a trans flag flying behind him. Yes, at this school even the teachers are part of this amazing community.

"HERE'S TO LOVE!" he screamed, out of breath from running.

"TO LOVE!" we screamed back, tossing our pride flags in the air, laughing and hugging.


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