He wouldn't tarnish, he was a man. A man was allowed such things to keep him at bay but a woman- she had singlehandedly ruined her reputation within the walls of society.

"Ramsey, remove yourself from my sisters room." Anthony threatened, still outraged that Lady Whistledown had spread such things about his sister.

"I want to know why she did it, your sister is no fool."

She shoved the sheets from her body and raised to her feet, her dress wrinkled from the state she had been positioned in for some time, not bothering to change into a nightdress.  She stood high, higher than ever before as she approached her family and her friend.

"Are you calling me a liar?" She raised her eyebrow, completely detached from the conversation that she was forced into having.

"I think we both know I would never mention-"

"Don't breathe another word. We are not discussing this. You being here makes things ten times worse. Don't you see, the fact you have came to our house means that Lady Whistledown was right." Anthony yelled.

"Could you please discuss this in the family room with no children present." Violet hushed, forcing everyone downstairs.

"Tell me why."

"I don't have to tell you anything." She glared around the room and saw everyone glancing down at her as if she were mad. Nobody could understand why she had done it. She had just found the perfect man and she was ruining it all for herself, she had already ruined her marriage. There could be no future as they both wanted different things.

"No, you just ruin yourself by trying to play the brave big sister. How many times have I told you- I resolve your problems for you." Arthur fired back at her, completely aware of his angry tone but she never thought about her actions and she had to learn a lesson at some point but her reputation shouldn't have been on the line. She had always rushed to him and he never thought that would change.

Since they were young, she had always got him to solve her problems and it was annoying to see her try to fix them by herself with no fear. It scared her how her romantic feelings for Arthur Ramsey dwindled away into an old friendship, she had made peace with it but now, she was scared that the same would happen to her and Simon, she never wanted that.

"I mean- this all could have been resolved years ago if you didn't have sex but I'm not judging." Colin said, trying to shed some light onto the situation not knowing that this had all happened because of his situation.

"Colin, please not now." She gritted her teeth. Her twin was scolded by his mother, a slap on the back of the head was appropriate.

"You can't solve everything Arthur. Just let's pretend that the whole ton doesn't know about me. That's a splendid idea." She sarcastically rolled her eyes. Although she understood she didn't have a leg to stand on with this conversation, Arthur was right but she had already sold her story to Lady Whistledown, it was too late.

She was frightened.
She was the cause.

A sickness waved over her as she heard Humbolt's announcement. She wasn't sure if she was deaf for a moment in time as she heard her heart beat loudly and at a quickened pace. She hadn't expected Simon to particularly care for the news considering they weren't on speaking terms but a part of her wanted to run and tell him that she was mistaken, that she was in the wrong. She hadn't thought how this would have affected Simon, for that she was sorry.

As their eyes met, her face dropped significantly. Her husband didn't particularly look like himself, he looked tired and stressed. Dark circles beneath his eyes showed that he hadn't been sleeping well, he had been so used to Calista sleeping beside him every night that this had been a drastic change for him. He missed the way she unintentionally wrapped her small arms around his torso when she was deep in sleep. He had missed the aura she brought with her in every situation, the way she automatically lit up his mind with wonderful thoughts. He was madly in love with her. He couldn't pin point an exact reason why; he felt it in the deep pit of his stomach.

She stood up, not sure how her mind could handle everything that was happening. She would be lying if she said she was okay. He had approached his wife without particularly saying anything, too enraged with Lady Whistledown to form a sentence together. He had noticed Lord Ramsey in the room as well which didn't sit right with him.

"Si, you came." Her voice betrayed her, eyes watery with tears that had been threatening to spill for some time now, her cheeks were flushed rouge and she sniffled her tears back as she seen him. He melted on the spot, a moment of weakness.

"Your Grace, we weren't expecting you so soon." Violet spoke out as Simon glanced her way, nodding to her in understanding.

"I began my journey as soon as I could."

"Hastings." Arthur called out, respecting him to the best of his ability. The situation was all too personal for everyone to deal with. Calista hadn't even left the house since it had been released as public knowledge so she had absolutely no idea how she was going to be viewed out and about.

"Ramsey, I wish I could say it's nice to see you but as you can tell, it's the complete opposite." Everyone in the room completely understood, it was an unspoken agreement.

"I'm so sorry-" Calista tried to apologise but her husband hushed her by kissing her gently in the forehead to smooth her. He had missed this, too much and he never wanted to let her go again.

"Lis, we are a team aren't we? We'll face this together. Shall we take a walk? I'll have Jeffries gather your belongings and have them taken to our townhouse."

CALISTA / Bridgerton Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin