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Remi POV

I was always a light sleeper, so I was quickly woken up by Emma's startled gasps. I quickly shot up from my bed next to her and hugged her. She cried onto my shoulder as I softly patted her back, whispering to her that it was just a dream. She calmed down and fell asleep in my arms after a few minutes. I laid her down on the bed and brushed some hair off her face. She's going to have a long struggle ahead of her. I wonder if she'll ask my help. And if she did, will I be able to come clean to her?


It was later in the day and everyone was acting as energetic as usual. Everyone except Emma. She must still be traumatized, but she shouldn't show it so openly. Mama might get suspicious. I was going to remind her subtly, but that was handled by Norman. He's smart, he must know that he shouldn't trust anyone right now.

I saw them walk out and decided to silently follow them. Lucky for me I never had a huge presence so it was always easy for me to hide in the shadows. If I willed it, I could be right next to someone and they wouldn't notice until I move.

I heard them talk about how the 'meat' is graded. Norman is smart, he got so far that he could guess that our age means our quality. He also figured out that we smarter ones live longer because we're 'high quality. It didn't take long for them to learn that no matter what, they'll get shipped once they reach 12. By the looks of it, Norman wouldn't take long to figure out that they eat our brains to get 'stronger'. The more developed the brain is, the more 'high quality' it is. But what was news to me, was that they were planning on selling high-quality merchandise next. Meaning, it was our turn...

I still have 2 months before we get shipped. I have to find a way to complete our plan. I need to make sure no one else is going to be shipped.

I quickly made my way outside. They must still be talking so I need to be quick. I silently ran all the way to the fence, jumping over and going to the wall. It's been a while since I came this far. Actually, the special place was also beyond the fence. I and Anne liked to break the rules. We sat there and chatted whenever Mama was busy so that she couldn't find us. I smiled, thinking back to the good old times. 

If only this place wasn't just a stage with actors trying to fool us. 

I sighed as I started to climb a nearby tree. I then used a rope that I made and was about to jump when I heard voices. 


I quickly hid among the branches and watched Norman and Emma come to scout the area. They move fast. I watched as they encouraged each other and smiled. Those 2 would definitely make a power couple! One is energetic and naive, while the other is Calm and determined.

Suddenly, I heard the bell ring. Oh, I need to go back. I waited until they were a bit far away before jumping down the tree. I hid my rope again and took a shortcut which I found. It involved a lot of jumping from rocks to trees. I had gotten used to it by now. I arrived before Emma and Norman before controlling my breath and putting on my usual smile. My aura turned calm and I walked towards Gilda, helping around and pretending like I never left. No one questioned me since I always had a low presence. No one doubted except for certain raven emo.

As Emma and Norman came back, Gilda figured that 2 kids were missing. Just then, Mark came running. He was panicking, causing him to cry. Mama asked him what's wrong. 

"What do I do? I lost Naila in the forest!! I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find her!", He exclaimed. Mama slowly reached for her pocket and took out a watch. I slowly went behind her to see. I knew what it was. It was a tracking device. That is a huge variable to my plan. I never saw how it worked so I wanted to get a good look. I tried to peek, but it would make it obvious, so I had no choice but to stay put. I frowned slightly in frustration before going back to smiling.

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