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Remi POV

Ok, this is a pretty bad situation for us. At least that's what I thought until I was met with a proposal for collaboration. 

"Let's team-up", Sister Krone suggested. I was a bit confused but I stood my ground, my hand was slightly spread out in front of the group in a protective manner. I was the only one who could fight here. 

I know that it's weird for me to be able to but, I've always had these abilities since I was a child. I had super senses. I found out the reason a while ago, and it still shocks me. But that's a story for another time.

"relax guys, Don't worry", I smirked and faced Sister Krone, "We'll hear you out".

Sister Krone looked a bit startled but smiled. Norman came and stood next to me. He gave me a reassuring smile and faced Sister again. Ah, he must think I'm just putting on a brave front. Oh well, a backup plan won't hurt.

"That's right, Let's team up so we can both get what we want", Sister Krone suggested, "You guys want to escape, and I want to become the mother of this drag Isabella out of here and take her position", she spoke. 

"Become the Mama?", Don repeated.

"Just so you know, I'm very serious. I want to escape my current situation too", She slowly unbuttoned a few of the top ones, revealing a number, just like ours. So my theory was right, the female children who are smart enough will be chosen to work for the HQ. Mama was kind of forced into this situation too, though that doesn't mean I forgive her.

"Girls who meet certain criteria and live up to the age of 12 have 2 options at the time of shipping", Sister began explaining, "Die, or aim to become a Mama".

"What are the criteria?", Don asked.

"Scores above a certain number, and the resident mother's recommendation, if you have those you can live on without having to escape", She replied, "Only girls."

She kept circling us while talking.

"Only girls?", Gilda repeated. 

"But I advice against it though, you'll end up with a body that can't take one step out of this compound", Sister unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a huge scar on her chest. It looked like she had surgery and something was implanted inside her. Must be a chip to monitor them. 

"What is that?!", Emma questioned

"I had a chip implanted in me", Sister Krone answered, "If an adult takes a single step outside the farm, this will discharge electricity and stop your heart".

"And at the same time if our heart stops beating from some external factors, they act as transmitters and let the brass know", She finished.

"So we can't kill any adults huh?", Norman mumbled.

"I can only live on the farm, so I want the best possible life I can have here", She buttoned her shirt back. "I want a human life as a Mama, even if it is just pretense, and for that, Isabella stands in my way".

I looked at her straight in the eye with an unwavering gaze. She looked a bit uncomfortable under it but didn't show. 

"If you kids escape, Isabella would be held responsible.", Sister smirked, "I won't stop you, run away, it'll only benefit me".

"You won't ship us out?", Gilda remained cautious and confirmed facts.

"I won't", Sister confirmed, "Let's cooperate".

She looked at me and I gave her my usual smile, though it didn't reach my eyes. I slowly stretched out my hand. She took it and we both shook.

"Fine, but you should know what you're getting yourself into", I mumbled the last part in a way only she could hear. She looked startled but gulped and smiled.

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