... Where are we?? - Chapter 1

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"Hey Gon~!" Killua called out to his Bff.

"Yeah killua?" Gon replied almost instantly turning his cheesy grin towards killua while handing him another choco-robot.

Killua went to say something before giving into the sudden urge to latch onto Gon, as if something were about to happen that would seperate them.

Nothing happened for a second before a strong wind hit them both, sending them flying off the wall they were perched on, straight down onto the concrete road below. Killua pushed Gon atop of him to protect him from potential harm.


When Killua didn't feel the ground he tried to open his eyes. A bright light shone down causing him to shut his eyes once again. Darkness surrounded him. Cold and Wet enveloped his body. SPLASH!!

Water covered Killua's face as he opened his eyes to a different kind of impact, Gon's body felt heavy atop of his. Killua grasped above him, moving around before finally getting upright. He felt around and started righting the current before grabbing onto a ledge and trying to pull himself up. He grabbed Gon's shirt and pulled him out of the water, frantically dragging himself and Gon to the side of the pond.

Killua put Gon on the ground next to the lake before getting himself out, instantly panicking over his unconscious friend.

He heard people coming towards the place, his pace getting faster the closer they came.

"I'm gonna win!!" He heard someone call out.

"Haha! I beat you!" He listened as another called back.

"Hey what's going on over there? Who are these kids??"

Killua heard the people arrive, so he looked over for a brief second. He saw a blue-haired kid with a red-haired boy, they were running towards him and Gon.

"Hey are you ok??" One of them called out. It was the higher pitched voice that he had heard earlier. He saw the blue-haired kid walked closer to him, making him tense up and grab a stronger hold of Gon.

Gon started coughing which brought Killua back to his senses. Killua instantly grabbed him and sat him up, as Gon started coughing out water. Lots of it. When he had finished, the other people had arrived. One of them wasn't human, Killua could tell by the breathing patterns and footsteps.

Killua grabbed Gon and picked him up before jumping to a tree, only to be stopped by a yellow and sticky... tentacle?
It reeled the two of them back and took Gon away from his arms. This pissed killua off.

"Oi! Let me and my friend go stupid!! Get your dirty tentacles off of him! Fuck off!" He screamed violently at the creature before manipulating his hands and cutting through it's arm. It seemed to shriek at this as did the others with it. He couldn't tell if it was from pain or shock, but either way he didn't care.
Killua dropped to the ground and before the creature had time to do anything. He took Gon and held onto him, glaring everyone around them down with vicious bloodlust.

The blue haired kid walked towards the two of them in a calm manner.
"H-hey what's your name? Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, does your friend need medical attention?"

Killua looked down at Gon, who was just coming to his senses.
"Get the hell away from us blueberry looking bitch"

A black haired boy laughed, "oh that was a good one!!"

Killua started hissing at blueberry whenever he went near, and before long, he had been hit in the face by a familiar hand.
"Killua! That's not how you treat people!"

Killua stopped hissing and started at Gon who was now in semi-perfect condition and trying to get up.

"But what if they were going to hurt you!!" He started to argue with the other. All the kids watched in silence, a few occasionally giggling.

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