The Demons with a Soul

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Name: Shivani Al Ghul
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'6
Parents: Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul
Trainers: Ra Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, and the All Caste
Weapons: katanas, throwing knives, and guns
Trained in: Hacking, an expert in Ultra Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Eskrima, Bascom, Vale Tudo, Ninjutsu, Rough and Tumble, Line, Silat, Taekwondo, Karate, Bokator, Combato, Shippalgi, Capoeria, Kajukenbo, Sambo, Dim Mak, Kyokushin, Bojuka, Systema, Kapu Ku'ialua, Arnis, Pugilism, Keysi Fighting Method, kendo, Kenjutsu, Fencing, Laido, Aikido, Destreza, Battojutsu, Kumbo, Gatka, Kalaripayattu, espionage, assassinations, bomb-making, explosives, and marksmanship.
Languages: Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic, French, and Latin.

Shivani's POV
I walked into the thrown room at Grandfather's request. The servants pushed open the door for me and I immediately noticed a black-haired, green-eyed boy standing at my grandfather's side. "I am here Grandfather." I pronounced. "Ah Shivani, I would like for you to meet Jason Todd here. He will be your apprentice." Grandfather announced. I saw fear race through Jason's body as he stared at me. I looked at Jason and saw a white streak in his hair and immediately understood. The boy who looked to be 14 had died and was resurrected by the Lazarus pit on Infinity Island. I immediately wondered how he met his end at such a young age, but I waved it off. "Hello Jason, I am Shivani Al Ghul. You can just call me Shivani though." I nodded. Grandfather looked at me with a raised brow. "You can join me in my quarters as you are now my apprentice," I affirmed. Jason looked at me terrified as I offered my hand. "Take it, boy," Ra ordered. Jason jumped and quickly took my hand. I bowed my head and exited the throne room with him. "You can let go of my hand if you wish," I said emotionally. Jason quickly retracted his hand and stared at me. I felt his piercing stare bore into my side and I sucked in a breath. "What is troubling you, my apprentice?" I inquired. "Why did you give me a choice?" He inquired. I looked at him calmly. "Because I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do," I replied in a calm tone. Jason gave me a confused look. "But every other master here beats their apprentices or starves them or well you know," Jason explained. I motioned for us to continue walking and he followed alone. "I have seen what masters will do to their apprentices and I know the pain it causes. So why would I want to inflict that on another person?" I inquired. Jason gave me a blank look. "I know how it makes a person feel like they are worthless and nothing, but a weapon. I would never wish that upon anyone." I added. Jason nodded at my reason and followed me. He nodded his head in agreement and seemed satisfied with my answer. "Who was your master?" Jason inquired. I took in a deep sigh and lowered my head. "My mother, Grandfather, and Slade Wilson," I confessed. Jason looked at me with concern. "They do not have the same peaceful ways I have developed," I added. "I'm sorry," Jason whispered. "Don't be, it made me stronger in the end." I proclaimed. "So Jason, I presume you died in your past life," I stated. Jason froze at my statement but nodded his head. "Yeah I don't remember how I died, but I did." Jason professed. "That's alright, we'll work on that together." I smiled.

Six months later

I was dead silent as my apprentice slept through the night. I sat in my room reading some ancient transcripts when a scream pierced the air. I straightened immediately and grabbed my katanas. I rushed towards Jason's room and kicked open the door. I readied my weapons but saw no one in sight. I lowered my gaze and saw Jason crying beneath me. I gasped loudly, my katanas fell to the floor and I rushed over onto his bed. I grabbed his arm tenderly and lowered my mouth towards his ear. "Jason wake up," I ordered softly. Like a good apprentice he is, his eyes flung open and he sat upright in a panic. Tears gushed down his cheeks freely. His gaze hadn't fallen on me yet as he searched the room desperately for some ghoul. "Jason." I cooed. His head whipped towards me and he flings himself into me. He wrapped his around me desperately and nuzzled his head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his. "Jason, what happened?" I asked. I heard Jason hiccup and sniffle as he tried to control himself. "Joker...he, beat me with a crowbar and then blew me up. Batman..he was...too late." Jason cried out. I closed my eyes as I felt tears threaten to fall. The tears fell down my face and I clutched onto Jason tighter. "I don't want to die," Jason mumbled. I quickly pulled away and cupped his face. "Jason I promise, I will never let you an unnatural death again," I promised. Jason stared into my Atlantic blue eyes and nodded his head. "I will always protect you, my brother." I smiled. Jason gave a light chuckle and snuggled into me again. Just then the little thumbing sound of feet sounded through my quarters. "Ani, Jay jay what happened?" The quiet voice of Damian asked. "Our brother just had a nightmare," I answered. Damian immediately ran to the bed and barely made it up. He crawled up to Jason and me and snuggled into us. Damian grabbed onto Jason and wiggled into our hug. I leaned up against the headboard and held my two little brothers close to me. I breathed in a deep calm breath and smiled. It was moments like these that I remembered why I truly did this.

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