XX - knocking the queen piece off the chess game

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"Ray... please stop following me..." Y/n drawled through her teeth, feeling as if the nausea was already burning her gullet. Though she tried her best not to create any facial expression that would give away her discomfort.

Ray, with one foot in the crack between the door of the bathroom and the doorpost, stood still, determined to finally break Y/n's stubbornness and serve her some unconditional help. "I won't move." He said bluntly, but behind his gaze, there was a hint of worry.

Y/n, who herself said she was feeling 'all great', held onto the raven-haired the whole way back to the house, but still managed to stumble on her own feet, evidently experiencing trouble keeping her balance. When arriving at the house, she got loose from Ray's sleeve, and took her own small steps, almost like an infant learning how to walk, towards the nearest bathroom.

"You can crack my foot with this door, but you can't crack me. I won't let you stay alone." The raven-haired spoke up once again, receiving a tired glance from Y/n.

Despite his words, Ray was torn between actually staying and keeping an eye on the girl in front of him and taking a quick run, up to the infirmary in order to get a hang of how Y/n really got out of the room. Gilda didn't come to any help in discovering this truth, as her eyes became blank, almost lifeless after the incident in the forest. But Ray wasn't blaming her. She had seen enough today.

"Y/n, just release the door, please."

Something stirred in Y/n's eyes, and Ray was almost reassured that the door of the bathroom would swing open and he would be welcomed inside. But how naive was that thought, or rather the hope that it contained. It was soon blown away almost like a mist. The one Ray continuously got lost in when trying to figure out how Y/n was feeling. But in this case, her feelings were displayed as in an open palm, easy to guess. Y/n released the door, her eyes widened in fear, whilst her following half-sentence would as well match her expression.

"...Ray I don't fe-"

But her words were rounded by her actions. Y/n turned on her heel, not being as agile as usual, and dropped down in front of the toilet. And then, her actions from a few nights before were repeated. She emptied her stomach, which was soon followed by a light sob.


"No, please-" The girl croaked, shutting her eyes. "Just, get away. I don't want you to-"

But her words that were supposed to proceed the beginning of that sentence were once again cut because of the contents of her stomach bubbling up. That apparently diluted the glue that was keeping Ray unmovable. In a few quick steps he was beside Y/n, but not before tearing off a piece of toilet paper. Although Ray always felt helpless in situations like this and didn't really know how to act, his right palm landed on Y/n's back almost automatically.

"Ray, what if this is contagious? You should really go." Y/n said weakly, although she knew it was very idiotic. A brain concussion isn't something that could be spread out between people. If those said individuals didn't decide to make the same jump as Y/n, but together.

The piece of paper that was torn by Ray, traveled from his nervous grip to Y/n's leaving it slightly damp. The anxiety, or even a form of burden, wasn't showing on the boy's stoic expression, nevertheless, that didn't change what emotions he really was experiencing.

"The only thing contagious about you..." He began while creeping both of his arms around the girl's figure and pulling her closer. "... is your dumb smile... and sometimes your sense of humor."

Y/n's right cheek landed on Ray's chest, his pristine shirt coming to use almost as a soothing medicine, like lemon balm tea for example. But even that was too feeble to fully allay Y/n's nerves.

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