XI - un-uttered words

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The wind blowing in the afternoon was harsh, nothing like the alluring spectacle of sunbeams, that ghosted the children's faces during the game of tag. It flowed towards the forest in short intervals, almost in a welcoming matter or perhaps as a gesture to dispel the kids' words so that the caretaker wouldn't snatch them up. Those mentioned kids, four of them to be precise, headed into the green woods, quite enjoying the free time before the sunset.

"So..." Emma was the first one to speak up, before running ahead of the remaining trio and started walking backward in order to get a better view of them while talking. "... do you think mama has identified the targets?"

"Anything is possible-" Norman started briefly but got soon cut off by Ray.

"Yes, she has definitely identified us..." He cleared his throat after seeing his companions' discouraged expressions. "...or at least she undoubtedly knows it's some of the oldest children."

"That quickly?" Emma's once joyful voice was starting to get embossed by concern.

A sigh escaped Y/n's lips. "She has her ways I guess."

"And also..." Norman exchanged glances with Ray before continuing. "...perhaps there is a certain someone or a handful of children that gives her more, detailed information." He said putting a good amount of emphasis on the word 'detailed'.

The leaves shivered, mainly from the wind, but possibly even from the tension that was created and started growing in force once Norman's words were uttered. A new problem, a traitor that is, would definitely be a problematic hindrance. Not only did they provide information for mama for obvious reasons like not getting shipped out, but that person would also without a doubt oppose the idea of attending the escape because of the guilt weighing them down. Or that was at least the conclusion Y/n came to, but she kept it to herself.

"Do you really mean?..." Emma more asked than stated, getting Norman's attention who smiled softly.

"Yes, a traitor." The boy announced.

"Oh no, that's utterly problematic." Emma groaned, but her face returned to a straight expression very soon.

Y/n smiled to herself when getting her words confirmed by someone else.

Problematic indeed, Emma.

"Emma, look out there is a tree branch behind you!" You exclaimed shortly, making the orange-haired swiftly turn around and jump over the piece of a tree before once again turning towards the girl that uttered the warning. "Look Emma, about the traitor, it's not like we won't-"

Emma stopped abruptly, halting Y/n's unfinished sentence. "The traitor thing is so frustrating! I don't want to suspect anyone!" She cried out, scratching her head intensively.

The rest of the children stopped in their tracks, gazes turned away in different directions. Only the wind, having enough courage, was able to speak up while embroidering their bodies with chills. Of course, Emma didn't want to make assumptions, but neither wanted Y/n. On the other hand, she was already putting up aspirations on figuring out which unfortunate child is the quadruple's aiming target, namely the traitor. The sooner they were found, the easier the task of convincing them to lay down their work and switch sides would be.

As on cue, Norman spoke up and made the weight on Y/n shoulders a little lighter. "I have already made arrangements for finding the traitor." His voice sounded flat. "I won't let mama win anymore, that's why I have come to the conclusion that we should..." He took a few steps towards Emma and put a hand on her shoulder, his gaze wide-awake, switched between Y/n and Ray. "... carry out the escape plan ten days from now, November 8th."

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