IV - the calm before the storm

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"Okay everyone! What kind of story do you want to hear?" Y/n asked, genuinely smiling at her siblings that gathered around her in the library.

"Please Y/n tell us a story about princesses and fairies and handsome princes!" Jemima and Alicia answered while giggling.

"Noooo! That's boring! I mean... We would still stay here to hear it." Thoma said while Lannion nodded eagerly. "But we would rather listen to something cool!"

Y/n gave a full-hearted laugh. "And what does count as something cool?" The girl asked while emphasizing the words 'something cool'.

"Oh I know! Tell us a ghost story! Everyone loves those, right?" Nat uttered, smiling proudly but was soon attacked by a bunch of 4-year-olds.

"Nooo, we HATE ghost stories!" They exclaimed one by one.

Y/n sighed, not being able to hide her smile. "How about..."

"But, why can't Y/n just retell the same story from Monday?" Yvette asked, hope filling her eyes as she looked at the mentioned girl. 

"Because it was specially made for you, and others want to identify themselves as the character as well." Anna giggled as she patted the raven-haired girl.

"But, but, but I don't see why nobody liked the story about the little girl, making inventions, creating wonderful machines-" The little girl was soon interrupted.

"Everyone liked the story, Yvette." Gilda reassured the little girl while giggling. 

"Hey, how about we leave the decision to Y/n?" Emma asked making it sound like a rhetorical question.

"Oh dear, if that's fine with everyone then why not." Y/n chuckled and cleared her throat.

Everyone scooted closer in anticipation.

"Once upon a time there was a hut deep down in the greenest woods you have ever seen. In that little building, lived a wizard, a very clever one, you could simply call him a genius. One night, while getting ready to sleep, his owl flew in through the smallest window of the hut bringing him a letter from the king himself. The letter said:"

Y/n coughed a few times putting on her best 'old king voice'.

"Good evening my dear civilian,

I, your king have a work for you,

and this thing will be something new.

It is so,

that you have to go,

pause your studies,

and find three other buddies.

Together, the dragon you must find,

and kill that thing, it's so unkind."

Here, Y/n had to cut off the story because of how many burst into laughter, caused by her bad rhymes. 

"The wizard knew precisely what dragon the king had mentioned in his letter. That creature sowed fear in the kingdom for as long as people lived there. He knew the rightful people that would bear the weight of this commission, his very best friends. The wizard, not wanting to lose any more of the precious time, started writing letters to those three people with a request of meeting them in the local tavern the next day.

When the sun was at its highest in the sky, the adventure was initiated with that precise gathering. As soon as the wizard crossed the threshold to the tavern and the door shut behind him, he was in the buzz of people talking and laughing, of glasses being clinked, and shortly after that sound of people cheering. He started walking slowly towards the center, but as soon as he saw the three familiar faces, he quickly made his way to that mentioned trio. He sat down comfortably on the only free stool and stretched out his legs under the table.

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