IX - the neverending game of tag has an end

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"The tag was Emma's idea?" Y/n quietly chuckled, her voice carried away by the wind. "I must say you have a good opponent in the art of being creative."

Another sunny day was welcomed by the Grace Field House, which was currently shining with emptiness. Most of the children were in the forest, playing the regular game of tag but this time with an underlying context. It was a form of training for the grand escape. Perhaps the weather wouldn't be as pampering as the time would come, nevertheless, practice make perfect as they say and this time the 'perfect' could be described as 'a chance to live'.

"Get ahold of yourself Y/n." Ray scoffed. "Oh, and turn the page once you have read it."

Another tiny laugh erupted from the girl's throat as she did the requested action.

The mentioned duo was sitting on their usual spot, under the tree where they could get a good view of the forest, and as expected, they were reading.

Earlier, when the morning rose, Y/n was showered with the thought of satisfaction that she finally got some sleep that would surely make Emma glad, and the others a little less worried. But as Y/n got aware of her surroundings, namely the library, the floor, and most importantly her 'pillow' she hastily jumped up not even noticing that her lightheadedness had not really been cured with that little amount of sleep. After grabbing the closest book, throwing it right at Ray's face, and acknowledging it was that piece of literature they would be reading together during the day, she left the library in a rush leaving the boy with an enlightened face, his lips forming a smirk.

That led up until now. Y/n, was holding the book that was once dangerously threatening to flatten Ray's nose, while the he was bending his head over the mentioned girl's shoulder. Both reading.

"You are reading on your own again?"

Y/n looked in the direction from where the voice was heading from, only to see Isabella with one of her sweet smiles pasted to her face.

"Yup." Ray answered, his eyes never leaving the book. "Y/n, turn the page if you are done please."

The request made the mentioned girl succeed at breaking eye contact with mama. While glancing down at the book and tracing the edge of the upcoming paper with her fingers mama's voice was heard again.

"Where are the others?"

"Dunno." The two children uttered in unison.

"Probably playing tag in the forest." Ray suggested.

The caretaker only looked at the two while slowly nodding and began to walk away.

Y/n exhaled the air that was stuck in her lungs quietly. "Just kill me already." She murmured.

Ray snatched the book from Y/n's hands and in one swift motion closed it and smacked the back of her head with it. "You know I won't let that happen." And although there was a playful tone to that action, the boy's face was unreadable far from a joyful expression, which made Y/n hide her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry Ray, for acting so rashly." Though, she never got an answer. Never got to know if the boy would actually forgive her because another voice broke out in an exclamation

"Y/n! Ray!"

A small group of children was running towards those two with Thoma in the lead. He jumped right into the girl's arms as soon as he approached her closer.

"I thought I was doing so well!" He exclaimed helplessly. "But he found me! Norman found me again!"

"Oh, my poor little honeybun." Y/n giggled while enclosing her arms, making the hug even tighter. "Thoma, I'm sure you will one day win this game."

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