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The drive home

Irene- why the hell did you come

Loki- watch your month young lady

Irene- I was out with friends

Y/n- see Irene you told me that you were going to New York bar And you also told me that your father already knew and he said yes and then we catch you at a party

Irene- well thing change mom

Y/n- thing just don't change have you forgot I was a teenager too

Irene- yeah and you probably didn't even go out

Y/n- oh ok I went out I did worse stuff your doing

Irene- like what

Y/n- that's none of your business what I did

Irene- your lying

I just laugh

Irene- what's so funny

Y/n- nothing

I start to laugh more

Loki- darling why are you laughing

Y/n- it just never mind

Irene- are you to scared to tell us

Y/n- yes I am actually

We got all the way home

Irene- you know you been such a bitch since

Y/n- since what Irene tell me come on

Irene- since...

Y/n- Irene let's go tell me

Irene- since grandpa pass away

Y/n- playing that Card really

Y/n- maybe I am a bitch or you make me a bitch

Y/n- tell me Irene which one is it

Irene ran to her room crying

Loki- darling that's too much

Y/n- fuck you

Loki- l really don't know what to say to that

Y/n- I do you let Irene talk to me how ever she wants and you don't say nothing

Y/n- don't even come to bed your sleeping on the couch

All night I was crying The kid were asleep when Loki walked in the room

I wipe my tears

Y/n- what do you want

Loki- darling I sorry

Y/n- your just saying that because the couch is not comfy so you want to come in here

Loki- well that true but I'm really sorry I shouldn't let Irene call you a

Y/n- a bitch

Loki- yes

We both fell asleep

Next morning -

I woke up very early at went on a run I came back Loki was up

Loki- went on a run I see

Y/n- yep needed it

I went to go shower I got and then got ready Loki Liam& Irene were in the kitchen

Irene- there she is

Y/n- Irene if your going to say something do t say it low

Loki- I think you shouldn't talk to your mother the way you did last night

Irene- oh so your on here side

Loki - Irene

Irene- fine only if she tells me what she did when she was my age

Y/n- you really want to know

Irene - yep

Y/n- your father doesn't even know all of this

Y/n- ok here we go

Y/n- I was 17 at a party when the bad behavior started I had a boyfriend at a time

Loki- name

Y/n- do you need a name

Irene- yes

Y/n- fine Brian o'conner was my boyfriend

Loki eyes got wide

Y/n- relax Loki he was the good one

Loki- oh

Y/n- anyways I was at the party with him drinking and smoking weed

Irene- weed

Y/n- yes weed you want me to tell you right

Irene- go on

Y/n- there was a fire out side I was very drunk but we sat un front of the fire I told Brian I need to use the bathroom he told he will take me I said no I'm fine I got to the bathroom as these men came in I was raped Irene and i don't want you to go threw what I did

Y/n- 2 months later I was pregnant with there baby the rapist I don't even know his name Brian found out he thought I cheated on him but I didn't we broke up I had miss carriage

Y/n- that's why I want you to be safe that's why I'm strict on you

Irene hugged me

Irene- I get it and know I won't do it again

Loki- is that why you don't get very drunk at party

Y/n- yes I fears me to this day

Dare Loki Where stories live. Discover now