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I'm only 5 month pregnant and Loki babies me every where I go because he doesn't want some thing to happen to me or the baby

Y/n- Loki I'm fun I'm just going to use the bathroom

Loki- but what if

Y/n- no you can stay there I'm going to use it really quick

I went to the bathroom and as I was coming out

My dad came running in

Y/n- dad

Dad- did you find the gender of the baby yet

Y/n- yes we did

Loki look at me And I liked at him

Dad- well

Loki- it's a girl

Dad- I wanted it to be Boy but a girl fine it's not like we have any boys in the family

Y/n- dad

Dad- congratulations hun

He thank hugs me

I was 9 months pregnant Loki didn't leave my side at all

Y/n- Loki I didn't ice cream

Loki- it's 1:00 in the morning

Y/n- the baby need it

Loki- fine 

Loki gets up and go gets me ice cream while he getting that I wanted to get something in my dresser and soon I stand up my water broke

Y/n- shit

Loki comes back with ice cream

Loki- what happen why is it wet

Y/n- Loki my water broke I need to go
To hospital none

Loki- yes darling

Loki started to pack everything up for the hospital and we headed there

We were in the room I was sleeping lol was too

I woke up from pain in my stomach

Y/n- ahhh this hurts

Loki then work up

Loki- why are you screaming

Y/n- shut the hell up Loki I'm having pain

Loki- sorry

Every 5 minutes pain happens

The doctor finally  comes in 

Doctor- hello y/n

Y/n- hello sorry I was in pain still am

Doctor- yeh pain is going to go away soon

I just smiled

Doctor- we are ready to start yeh labor part

Y/n- now

Doctor- yes

Y/n- oh thank god

Loki- comes up to me holding my hand

During labor

Doctor- ok y/n you have to push in 1 2 push

Y/n- Ahhhhh

Loki- my hand my hand

Doctor- one more push ok y/n

Y/n- ok

Doctor 1 ... 2 ....3 push

Y/n- ahhhhh

I then push ten baby out of me the doctor cleans her up and give her me

Doctor- here is your Heath baby girl

Y/n - aww my baby girl

She has Loki's black hair and my blue eyes

Loki- gorgeous like her mother

I looks at Loki and kiss him

Nurse- sorry to brother you but we do need the name

Y/n- oh right sorry

Y/n- Irene tony laufeyson

Loki smiled

Nurse- thank you

All the doctors and nurses

Y/n- Loki here hold her

Loki then grabs her from me and sits in the couch

Y/n- I'm just going to get some rest

I then  fell asleep

I woke up yeh next day

Y/n- how long was asleep

Loki- like 18 hours

Y/n- where is she

Dad- right here

My dad was holding her

Dad- Irene tony stark

Y/n- nope Irene tony laufeyson

Dad- Alamo's there
He then smiled

I look over at Loki who about to fall asleep

Y/n- Loki your tried gets some rest

Loki- I'm fine

Y/n- Loki

Loki- fine I will

Dad- well I have to get going 

Y/n- bye dad

My dad leave the hospital I didn't know where he was going. I look over at Irene

Y/n- it's just me and you little one

Irene smiled

Y/n- you have your father smile

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