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We arrive at Wakanda got off the plane

Banner- should we Bow

Rodney- he a king

Banner bows

T'challa- we don't do that here

Me and Rodney laugh's

T'challa- do you know when he coming

Steve- any moment now

T'challa- then let get this stone

We walked in to a build

T'challa- sister how long will it take

Shuri- hour many be

We hear a long bang out side the dome

T'challa and me look at outside

Banner- he here

T'challa- then we fight gear up every one and get this mane a shield

We all got ready and head to the Field

Thanos arm appears and run to the dome

Steve- there killing them self

T'challa- we have to keep them in front of us

T'challa- open the dome when I say

Loki- be safe

Y/n- always am

Loki- still don't want you doing this

Y/n- I know

We all ran towards Thanos army

T'challa- open it

The dome opens and we begin to fight

Steve- there to many

Wanda comes down form vision and fight with us

Y/n- oh thank god your here I needed more magic

Wanda- your lucky I'm here

We Begin to fight

Thor- bring me Thanos

Him and Loki ran to find thanos while killing his army I ran after them

We ended up in like a wood's

But then thanos appeared

He grab me

Loki- let her go

Thanos- why should I I need her

Thor- take me

Loki- brother no

Loki- take me

Thor- you have a family you can't go

Loki- you are family

Thanos stab me in the stomach

Thor- no you asshole

Thor then stabs Thanos in the chest

Thanos took it out like it didn't even hurt him

Loki - your forgetting something

Thanos- we have a hulk

Hulk comes and fight Thanos

Thor and Loki were trying to get me out of there  Wanda and vision came

Thanos threw hulk like no problem

Thanos- give me the stone

Wanda- never

Vision- it's time

Wanda- no no it's not

I used my magic to Crate a shield protect them it broke because I got weak

Loki- stop using your magic it's going to kill you

Y/n- I need to protect them

I threw Loki aside and got up to stop Thanos from getting to them I used my magic pushing him back I got weaker by the minute it took all of me I drop to the floor

Wanda did the same thing but destroyed the stone

Thanos already had the time stone so he reversed time to bring vision back and getting the stone

Thanos snap His finger and every was turning into ashes

I looked at Loki he looked like he was sick

Y/n- no no don't leave me god dam it

Loki- I love you

Y/n- no you have liam and Irene to watch them grow up please don't go please

Loki then fades in to ashes

Y/n- no

I started to cry even more

Thor came to me

I then fainted

I work up at the tower

Irene- mom your awake

Liam- mom

They hugged me

I started to cry because all I seen is Loki in there eyes

Irene- mom it's ok

He hugged me more

Thor walked in

Thor- little ones go get something to eat

The my left

Y/n- how long was I out

Thor- a week

Y/n- a week

Thor- yep

Y/n- do they know he umm


Y/n- they can't live with out a father the can't

I started to break down

Thor hugged me

Thor- we will figure something out

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