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Loki and Irene got home with the food

Y/n- your home

Loki- darling

He went for a kiss but I grab the food ignoring Him

Irene laughed

Loki- wasn't expecting that

I walked to the kitchen to get Liam food

y/n- here Liam

I hand his food

Irene and Loki walked in

Y/n- here irene

Irene grab her's

I then grab my food and walked to the kitchen table

Loki- not going to give me mine

Y/n- your not my kid

Loki walked  to the kitchen table and ate with us

Irene- mom why are you so happy

Y/n- I'm just am

Loki- no your never this happy

Liam- mom face

Loki- darling what is it

Y/n- can't a woman be happy

Loki- last time you were this happy you were pregnant

Irene- mom pregnant

Y/n- no I'm not

Liam- mom having a baby

Y/n- I'm not pregnant

Loki- then what is it darling

Y/n- nat pregnant

Loki- what

Irene- but I thought she can't have kids

Loki- what Irene said

Y/n- well she is

Y/n- she FaceTime me and it a positive

Irene- wow

Loki- cool

They went back to eating

Y/n- what wrong you too

Loki & Irene - nothing

Y/n- you guys are the same person

Loki- no we are not

Y/n- so what's wrong

Loki & Irene- nothing

Y/n- my point

Irene- it just that

Y/n- it just that what

Loki- Irene don't tell her

Y/n- tell me what

Irene- dad why

Loki- because I said she going to get angry

Y/n- well now I'm angry what is it

Irene- well you been gaining weight

Y/n- umm

I look at Loki

Loki- darling you have so that why

Y/n- that's why you ask me if I was pregnant

Y/n- wow

I left to go to my room

Loki- told you not to say anything

Irene- sorry

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