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Seolhee wasn't sure which one of their parents had decided to host a big party, and she couldn't quite decide whether she hated it, or was absolutely fine with it.  

The pluses were that she got to wear a gorgeous dress, so pretty that she felt like a princess. Sunwoo, Eric, and Hyunjun were also there with their parents. Haknyeon and his family would have normally been invited, but since his family was abroad he hadn't received an invitation. Since he was young, he wasn't yet "important enough" to only invite him. 

She was standing with Sunwoo, Eric, and Hyunjun, each of them holding wine glasses. In hers was red wine, a little sweet. She liked it. Eric and Hyunjun had the same thing as she did, but Sunwoo was drinking white wine. 

"Let me try yours," Sunwoo said, taking her glass from her hand and trying some. 

"If you're going to have some of mine, at least give me some of yours," she huffed, taking his glass and trying the wine. "Hm, this is really good! We're trading," she announced. 

Sunwoo narrowed his eyes at her. "I want mine back," he complained. 

She quickly drank the rest of his wine and looked at him triumphantly. "Nope!" 

"You guys indirectly kissed," Eric suddenly pointed out. 

"I was thinking the same thing," Hyunjun sighed. "You guys are acting like a real couple lately. Making me feel sick." 

"You're just jealous that you're not with me," she said playfully. 

Hyunjun laughed, looking at her. "You want to ditch Sunwoo and date me instead?" he teased, winking at her. 

"Don't you dare," Sunwoo said, putting an arm around her waist and pulling her to his side. "You're going to ruin our whole plan." 

She couldn't help it, her heartbeat sped up, being so close to him. He tilted his head at her, as if he was studying her expression. 

"Shall we dance?" he said softly. 

For a moment, it felt like it was just the two of them. Eric and Hyunjun and the rest of the guests seemed to disappear, and she was just lost in his eyes, as they listened to the sound of the music playing in the background. 

"Let's go," she said, a small smile coming to her lips. 

He took her hand, leading her to the dance floor with some of the other guests. Immediately, she could feel the heads turn to look at her. She could hear some of the whispers, adults criticizing them for dating when their parents were planning on getting married. People saying they were trying to "ruin their parents life." She didn't know about Sunwoo, but she was trying to save herself and her mother. Why would her mom marry someone she didn't love? It didn't make sense, and she wasn't going to let it happen. 

As they started dancing, the sound of the whispers faded away, replaced with the sound of her heartbeat. 

His expression when he looked at her was different lately. She sensed hers was as well. 

And that scared her. Because if they actually developed feelings for each other, and if they're parents did end up marrying, they couldn't be together. That wouldn't be right. 

She pushed those thoughts away and just danced with him. 

For now, she was just going to enjoy this perfect moment. 

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