"Anyway, who wants a shot?"

❆ ❆ ❆

"Oh how can my slutty best friend look so good on this bright evening, I wonder to myself." The girl's attention went to the blonde boy, who had a cigarette in his lips. She rolled her eyes.

"Peter, remember when I said that we were friends enough to call each other names?" She questioned, glaring at the boy. She stole the cigarette from him, placing it on her lips and taking a drag on, making him narrow his eyes at her.

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I take it back." She blew the smoke on the boys face.

"Oh, my precious tramp, it's too late for that now." He smirked, bringing the girl to a hug and making her groan. "I missed you. I feel like we haven't talked much lately." He said, pulling the girl for a hug.

"I know, I've been kinda off this last few weeks, but I promise after holidays I won't stop annoying you about your tiny little crush." She tickled him, making him let out a yelp. He took his cigarette back from her and pointed at her with it.

"You listen to me, Lombardi-" he started, but was interrupted.

"Fuck you, Potter!" A scream was heard over the music, making all heads turn to the so called golden couple.

Everyone gasped when Lily Evans threw her drink at James Potter, who looked angry, but also hurt. The red head stomped away from the common room, smoke leaving her ears from anger. The messy haired boy also left the party.

"I think I need to go comfort him." Peter said, pointing to where his best friend had just left.

"Yes, of course. So it's true? They broke up?" Donna asked, brows furrowed as she was feeling bad for the boy. Peter sighed.

"I have no idea." He gave her a last smile and went after his friend.

Donna went once more for the drink tables, deciding to pour some butter beer for herself. She was bringing the cup to her lips when someone bumped into her, making the drink fall.

"Oh Godric, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking to where I was going." Donna turned to see who had bumped into her, and her eyes met a sandy haired boy. Remus Lupin.

"It's okay." She chuckled, smiling at the boy who had a guilty expression on his scarred face.

"Let me get another one for you! I'm so sorry again." The boy took a new cup from the table, asking her what she wanted. After pouring butter beer for her, he gave her the cup and took his wand out to clean the mess he had made on the floor.

"I'm Remus Lupin, by the way." He said, smiling at the girl. She chuckled once more.

"Yeah, I know. We are kinda house mates, you know?" She joked, and the boy's cheeks blushed.

"Yes, right. Of course." He said, awkwardly scratching his neck. She smiled at his awkwardness.

"I'm Donatella, but you can call me Donna. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled, extending her hand to his. He smiled as he held it, shaking it.

"The pleasure is all mine." He answered, with his signature smirk.

Oh, how that was true.

❆ ❆ ❆

"No, Rem, I'm serious!" Donna said, her words slurred because of the drinks she and Remus had. The sandy haired boy smirked.

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