Chapter 37 - Telling Someone.

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Evryone thinks its going to be ____ character. In reality, nobody has said the REAL character.



2 hours went by. Wilbur almost passed out, honestly. Though it did get numb after a while.

Tears streamed down Wilbur's cheeks, but he felt nothing.

His vision was blurry, but he still felt nothing.

He could still see the punches being thrown at him, but he felt nothing.

So much pain coursed through his veins.

Yet he fucking. Felt. Nothing.

After the two hours, Roman had forced Wilbur to leave because he 'needed to be alone.' Wilbur got stares, and a LOT of them. Though, it's not that surprising considering his skin looks like a rabbid dog had his face for lunch then threw him into a wood chipper.

It hurt to walk. But he had no choice. He walked down the street, hiding his face the best he fucking could. He grabbed his phone out of his back pocket, and sighed to himself. He knew he couldn't keep this inside forever. This is gonna kill him at one point.

Someone had to know.

He had to tell someone- he cant keep it inside forever. It was so painful to have on his shoulders, on his chest. He just wanted someone to listen to his problems, then forget it all moments after.

Kind of like the first time he told someone about his dad. He remembered when he told someone so much weight was taken off of him. He told that to Tommy too, so maybe he should listen to his own advice.

Wilbur scrolled through his contacts. He wiped his tears dry and cleared his throat. Then he hit call.






"Hey.. hey um, could I talk to you..? Face to face?"

"Yeah man, where are ya?"

"U-uhm.." Wilbur looked back at the street signs he had just passed, "Corner of Arch and Broad."

"The hell are ya doin all the way over there?"

"Um.. that's what I need to tell you.. I can't say this over the pho..Phone."

"Wil, are you alright??"

Wilbur felt tears fall down his face, replacing the dry tracks with new substance. He could always keep tears in until someone asked if he was okay. He sniffed and gasped a bit, choking on air.

"Wil?! Wilbur listen to me, I'll meet you okay??"


"I'll be there soon, I love you."

"Love you too.."

Then they hung up. Wilbur put his phone back in his back pocket, and wiped his face clean if tears. It hurt to do so, as he could tell without looking everything was bruised.

He walked a bit more, in silence and sniffs, and lightly hugged himself. He walked more, keeping his eyes locked on the pavement below his feet.


He had walked for 8 minutes. Then he heard and all familiar voice yell from a small distance.


Wilbur didn't look up. He just took a deep breath and heard him run faster and up to him. Eventually, the other was right in front of Wilbur, and very gently cupped Wilbur's face.

"Wilbur, look at me.."

He looked up.

The other had a look of absolute concern and fear.

"Wil, what happened to you?!"

"Can we get to your place first...? Please..?" Wilbur said, sounding meek and in pain. The other one nodded, slung Wilburs arm over his shoulder, and supported Wilbur up while they started walking.

The walk was mostly silent. You would hear their footsteps and small whimpers emitting from the musician. Gods, this conversation was going to be something.


They finally got to the other's house. It was only a few blocks away from Wilburs own house. Living close by was only of the things Wilbur loved. And plus, a few houses down was Niki's place.

Wilbur was sat on the couch, with the other male holding cloths with peroxide, cleaning off the blood on Wilbur's face. He was being extremely careful, but had eventually gotten Wilburs face clean of blood. But now, the bruises stood out. Wilbur had a black eye, bruised cheek, and a bruised jaw.

His usually perfect face.


"Wilbur, you gotta explain. What happened to you-?" The males voice was gentle, as he stared into Wilburs almond brown eyes. Wilbur teared up, and broke the eye contact the two held.

"He's been hurting me.."

"Who's hurting you, Wilbur?"




Then, the other's eyes filled with rage. He stood up, and his neck cracked loudly. Wilbur flinched, and shot up, grabbing his friend's wrist.

"Please! Dont do anything, please dont-! Take it out on me, I-"

"What..? Take it out on- Wilbur are you crazy? I wouldn't dream of that." The friend turned to Wilbur, cupping his face gently. Wilbur flinched violently, and refused to make eye contact. He was shaking a bit, and the friend immediately softened his tone and actions. He sat himself and Wilbur back down on the couch, and they hugged tightly.

Wilbur sniffed, and buried his face in the crook of the others neck.

"Please.. please dont do anything... I just- please..."

"Why does he do this..?"

"He just.. He loves me. He really does.. I just frusterate him..."

"He should never do that.. Wilbur, people dont hurt the one's they love." The other comforted Wilbur. He wanted to murder Roman. Kill him in the most painful way possible. Make him pay. Nobody was aloud to hurt his best friend.

Now, he was never that violent. But he would rip out Roman's throat in seconds. And he was tempted to. He wanted to. He wanted Roman dead.

His mind was snapped out of its trance by the warmth of Wilbur tightening his hug.

"Please.. dont hurt him.. I just.. I needed to tell someone.. just dont do anything.."



".....Okay. I wont do anything. But Im not gonna let him hurt you again. And you need to tell me if he does or says anything. Okay?"

"Okay.. thank you, Lamb..."

"Of course Wil.."


1001 words

And, incase you forgot

Wilbur's nicknames for people :

Philza - dadza
Technoblade - bubs/bubba
Tommy - strawberry
Niki - honeycomb
Fundy - champion
Roman - love
Schlatt - lamb


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