Chapter 5 - Stoned With Schlatt

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This is Wilbur centric, just to pass time before I can get into other shit with Tommy- This is when Wilbur left the house.. It's a long one-


Wilbur closed the door behind him, walking down the street. The smile he had on in the house quickly faded, as his shoes made soft noises on the concrete.

He took deep breaths, trying to cool his nerves. The truth was since they had met Tommy, he's never been more scared. Not in a bad way, if that makes sense.

He truly was happy to have another brother, and he was happy they got to give Tommy a home, but it's like Tommy is ready to stab him and run off. Wilbur could take the kid, he's stronger after all, but the look in Tommy's eyes always screamed more emotion then what he lets on.

It's like a book, to Wilbur. He sees the child's eyes- even if it's for a moment- and can read it all. Every emotion. This stuff was always easy for Wilbur to do, like it was some sort of gift that nobody else in the house has.

And every time he sees the same emotions.

Fear, sadness, curiosity, and rage. 

The rage scared him. The pure rage that the kid has scares Wilbur to death, like he might do something. He was pretty sure Tommy wouldn't so anything, but at the same time, the lady that talked to him and Phil while Techno was talking with Tommy said some shit.

"He's a trouble kid, I'll tell ya. He's been back here for what feels like a hundred times.. he got into a fight with a kid named Sammy, so are you sure you wanna go through with it?'

The woman's warning put Wilbur on edge, but always kept a smile on around them. Now that he's alone, and going to his best friend, he doesn't need to wear that facade.

Wilbur was at Schlatt's very often. And when Wilbur was stressed and on edge, like right now, Schlatt would get him high. Like what they say, it does relax the hell out of you. Sure, Wilbur knew it was wrong to smoke or vape while underage, but he doesn't have a lot of options.

And this option worked the best.

soon enough, he arrived at his best friends house. He walked in, without knocking, as for his family as used to him.

"Hey Wilbur.. getting stoned with Schlatt up there again?" The mother of Schlatt looked at the brunette male.

You might be asking, 'but author, what does Schlatt's parents think? Why don't they tell Phil?'

Schlatt's parents are also stoners. And they've been doing it since 13, so obviously Schlatt was exposed to it, but they understood not telling Phil. They knew from experience about vaping or smoking or any of that against parent rules.

Wilbur nodded. 

"He in his room?"

"Yeah, he might cause another hotbox, so be warned. Oh,, and I'm making tacos in a few hours, so if you'd like some, feel free."

"Alright, thank you-!"

Wilbur walked upstairs, opening his best friends door. Like he was warned, smoke flew out of the other's room, hitting Wilbur in the face.

"Jeez, Schlatt, trying to get me a contact high-?"

"Wil, hey-!"

The two greeted each other with a hug, Schlatt standing on his tippy-toes so they could be the same height. Wilbur was a few inches taller, and Schlatt's efforts to reach his height made Wilbur giggle. 

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