Chapter one

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The mistress and My lady

Zeldris' pov

I slowly began to awake but kept my eyes closed since i was trying to slowly get a feel. I was on a bed, my clothes were much more lose than my original ones. I heard voices.
"Oh my he can't really be an elf"said a woman's voice softly.
"If he is he's the best looking elf i've seen..."said another.

"Oh my goddess look at his biceps-". I heard a slap.
"Ow don't touch him!"said the third voice. I then felt a hand on my arm.
"Oh wow~"
"You hypocrite!" the first girl yelled. I decided to pretend as if i was waking up. I felt her hand move away as giggles and squeals were heard before the door closed.

I sat up. I looked to find myself of what may look to be the inside of a tree. Even so when i sit up i realized my feet poked out of the bed slightly. This confused me since i figured i would fit. I looked at my clothes they were a but tight but not as tight as my original outfit. Standing up i walked to the door which i had to bend down to get under when i saw three girls looking at me in awe. The three looked like elves i sighed glad i went to the right place.

I looked around hoping to find any one else before sighing. I realized how much smaller they were compared to me which was rather shocking.
"Tell me where i am-"
"Girls! I thought i told you not to let him out!"said a stern feminine voice. I turned a woman stroming over.

She fluffy had blue hair that was pulled into a ponytail her outfit made it look as if she fixed things her ears were slightly bigger than the girls..
"Go on and get out!"she said. She turned and looked up at me.
"Please go back inside proper clothes will be given and you will be in questioning"she said. Not responding i listened. Looking around in the room most things were rather smaller. It was kinda my size but still smaller.

The door opened as a male walks in. he was still short but taller than the others.

"Good afternoon, here are the clothes you will be wearing"he said as he gave me an outfit similar to my own except it was purple. I didn't respond at first waiting for the butler to leave.

The male tensed and turned around and left. "Um yes sorry let me know when your done"he said. Sighing i changed finding the outfit fitting and comfortable though some things were added not that i mind at all. I knocked on the door as the door opens.
"Oh! All done i see"he said. "Now as of respect for being the first to solving the door, i would like to know why you did that?"he said.
"I want to speak with the leader in charge"i responded not answering his question. The butler chuckled.
"Well, i can't say no cause that's not for me to say i can take you to the governess she should know"he said.

"Yes take me to her"i sighed. The elf nods walking out of the building i found it odd i was the tallest among them. Most girls seemed to like it as well but i had no interest. My goal is to gain them as a simple asset and kill meliodas for what he's done.

"Oh also i'm bigret nice to meet you"he smiles.
"Zeldris"was all i said not looking at him and looking for anyone who seemed to be the governess.

The male named bigret chuckled nervously as we continued to walk in silence.

Another male lands in front of me and the butler as he glares at us.
"Bigret what's the big idea?"he said giving me a cold gaze.

"Oh um, this is zeldris and he would like to see the governess-"
"No way in hell! He's a demon-"
"A demon that was so clever to know our codes and manage to enter-"
"He remains a demon-"
"What about demons?"said another voice. I turned to see a smaller woman holding a staph with a blue crystal at the top. The two bowed.

"Lady (y/n) we are glad to see you are doing well"they said. Out if respect i did the same.

"Thank you and i'm guessing you're the demon i've hear so much about"she said. I looked up at her she had a curious yet calm gaze.

"Yes my lady, i request to speak to the one who leads your people"i said.

"You may rise"she said. Standing up she was once again looking down at her.
"Unfortunately you have to talk to the hand to the queen, i will take you to her"she said. "You two are dismissed". I sighed slightly annoyed.

"What is your goal "she questions.
"That is information that i will talk to the queen with"
"I will still be given the information either way"
"Then you must wait till it's given to you"i said. The governess glanced at me. She had rather small gentle features.
"What is your name?"
"Of the ten commandments?"she said her voice less professional and more shocked.
"Yes how do you know of me?"i said suspiciously.

"We have books here you know, i just found it amazing that i get to meet a commandment "she said i saw a castle which was made inside of a large tree.
I found it way more impressive than my fathers castle.

"And your name is (y/n) correct"
"Yes that is me"she said leading me inside.

Walking inside i see that woman from earlier walking out of a room holding what seems to be a checklist as she goes from room to room.
"Mistress tori" (y/n) said. The woman paused.
"Ah lady (y/n), and that demon from earlier"she said looking at (y/n) with a smile and me with a suspicious gaze.
"What is it that brings you two to me"
"Zeldris wishes to talk to her majesty"(y/n) explained. Tori looked at me again.
"His name is zeldris?"
"Well zeldris unfortunately The queen is absent today she will be arriving late in the evening"
"Then i shall wait"i said respectfully. Tori gave me a glare.

No pov.

"If that's the case miya look after him-""Yes ma'am"she said as she turns to zeldris as she left the castle."Don't worry about her" she said."I honestly could care less about her attitude"he said slightly annoyed."Yes i know i don't understand why she's so mean we were neutral allies and we didn't leave you guys as if we betrayed you"she mutters "though i am glad we didn't have to take place cause if we did we would have become slaves to either the demon race or the goddess clan"she said "my father saw the vision and took action long ago""Where's your father now?""Dead, has been for the past two years, he was the former ruler of us""Is the queen your mom-""What no! Ew she's my older sister, which means i'm technically a princess"she said "but i like being a governess"she said as they walked into some of the twins kids were playing as the guards kept their eye out.
"So, if you don't want us here then what are you keeping you guys away from?"
"Humans, their mean and kidnaped and killed many, we received everyone that was kidnapped and the leader we have in the dungeon we cursed him to die at the end of the month and be brought to life until every victim is avenged"
"How many victims?"
"500 dies 700 kidnapped so 1,200"she said slightly upset. "The guards thought you were an elf too but your obviously not"she explained. Zeldris sighs as he continued to tag along seeing how powerful they are as well as their kind hearts and will to love. It was amazing yet terrifying. "Lady miya! The queen has returned" said a guard. (y/n) smiles. As zeldris starred taking a deep breath ready to meet the queen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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