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I looked away from Iida knowing I was still a blushing mess.

Iida: O-ok.. I think I gotta go now.

Is he malfunctioning..?

Y/N: Ok then.

I said still looking away from him.
As he headed for the door, I sat on my bed only watching him go for the exit.

Y/N: You know that was my first, real kiss.

Shit I said that out loud.
Iida looked at me, with his hand on the door handle.

Y/N: I mean...I've had my first kiss before..although they weren't actually real. To me anyways. Most of them were usually to get close to someone for a mission.

He titled his head a bit.

Y/N: So. I'm glad my first real kiss was with you Iida. No faking, or anything.

I noticed he looked at me with the face everyone usually gives me when I say stuff like this. The "She's had a rough life huh" type of face.

Iida: Same to you Y/N.

He smiled, and left the room.
I laid down on my bed and let the blush take over. Feeling butterflies overwhelm me.

A couple hours went by and it was time for my meeting with The League of Villains.
I stood up and hesitated, thinking about wither I should go or not.
Someone opened the door, and found me awkwardly standing there. I turned and found Aizawa looking back at me with confusion.

Aizawa: I'm guessing around this time would be you're meeting?

I nodded.

Y/N: S-sorry.. I didn't know to go or not. I mean..I didn't want to make them suspicious.
Aizawa: No need to apologize.

I sat down on my bed.

Aizawa: Y/N, is their a way to quit you're position as traitor?

I tilted my head at the question.

Y/N: Actually, I'm not sure how. I wanted to ask before, but I was to scared.

Aizawa nodded.

Aizawa: Ok then. Can you do me a favor?

I nodded gesturing yes.

Aizawa: Can you tell me where their hide out is? So the hero's can deal with it.
Y/N: Their hide out, and meeting place is always the same. It's-
Aizawa: The bar place?

I nodded.

Y/N: Ya, you could usually find everyone their waiting for my arrival.

He nodded.

Aizawa: Alright then that settles it. I have a plan. But you'll have to stay here.

I nodded.

Aizawa: And I'll have someone keep an eye on you. Just in case.

Man this guy is really cautious.
I nodded, in agreement.

He gestured for me to follow him. I did so and followed him through the hallway.

Aizawa: Here we are.

I tilted my head in confusion.

He knocked on the door and Iida answered.
Aizawa gestured for me to go inside and that's what I did.
Like they had planned this before going to get me.

[Switched Sides] Iida X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now