...That's Surprising...

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I sat in my room peacefully waiting for any teacher to bust down my door. Humming to my favorite song, I sat at my desk watching the time pass by. Until school was finally over.

Y/N: Any minute now.

I muttered to myself.

About a good 10 minutes past by, I saw as Aizawa came into my room. With his usual unmotivated face.

Y/N: That's surprising, I was waiting for a whole crowd of people to come take me away.
Aizawa: Well its just me.

I nodded, and gave my famous cold stare.
I got up from my seat and he slightly flinched and erased my quirk.

Y/N: Woah woah, calm down teach. I'm the traitor but I'm not one to be feared.

I said slightly confused.

Aizawa: Y/N.

I tested out trying to use my quirk.

Y/N: So that's how it feels like to be quirkless..weird.
Aizawa: Y/N!
Y/N: Yes?

He sighed.

Aizawa: Can we just have a normal discussion, no teleporting away, and no lies.

I stayed quiet for a second..

Y/N: I...I guess.

I sat down and he gave my quirk back. He then closed the door behind him.

Aizawa: Ok.

I nodded.

Aizawa: Y/N..if I'm being completely honest. I didn't want to believe that you were the traitor.

I relaxed my shoulders a bit, and tilted my head.

Aizawa: Although like you said before. Its only reality.
Y/N: How long did you know I was the traitor?

He raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: Or did you only find out today?
Aizawa: I figured it out after you're interview.

I raised an eyebrow, kinda surprised.

Aizawa: After you're interview, I went to the store you supposedly worked at. They said, and I quote "Y/N L/N never worked here."

Damn..so I would have been caught either way.

Y/N: That..was kinda smart. You know earned my respect Aizawa..

He sighed.

Aizawa: Y/N how much did you lie on that interview.

I thought for a second.

Y/N: Hmmm well the part of meeting Greg was true and I lived with him for years. Although his death was a lie. I said he was murdered when he was out and saw it on the news, but what really happened was that The League of Villains leader, Shigaraki had came to our house and murdered him.

I paused, in thought. Then spoke again.

Y/N: I think Shigaraki killed Greg because Greg found out about one of Shigaraki's plans and killed Greg to keep him quiet.
Aizawa: Is that when you met Shigaraki.
Y/N: Yes. I tried to teleport away but he told me that he wouldn't harm me, and I trusted that.

Aizawa nodded.

Y/N: Any other questions?
Aizawa: Why did you decide to work for The League of Villains?
Y/N: It was my only choice to survive. Sure, I could have chose a better path but he convinced me.

I thought about Greg and Shigaraki.

Aizawa: Y/N..did it ever faze you. About you're parents, and Greg's death?

I looked at Aizawa with a slightly shocked face.

Y/N: I-.. I mean of course it did. My parents not so much..but Greg is something else. He's the one that taught me everything. Like about my quirk and hero's. H-he was like..my hero.

I looked away from Aizawa because I knew I was kinda tearing up. I wiped away the tears and faced Aizawa again.

Aizawa: Do you despise your parents?

Wiping my tears I thought of my parents.

Y/N: Yes.. I do Aizawa....I was the one who killed them in the first place.

He looked at me with a look I couldn't describe. Like concern and fear all in one look. Though it was then when he found out he  really didn't know anything about me.

Aizawa: Why?
Y/N: Well, they wanted to abandon me anyways. They weren't the best parents. Abusive, more of mentally, sometimes physically.

I started tearing up again.

Y/N: Their plan was to abandon me here, and move to America. I was only a child, the feeling of losing your parents, despite them being abusive...it doesn't feel good. I lost control and...down came their private plain. Crashed into a building.

Aizawa looked at me with warm eyes for a second, then remembered to keep his guard up.

*Aizawa's pov*

I looked at her as she waa recalling old memories. I could tell, she didn't want to be the villain of this story. Inside she was hurting. The only thing she could do is bottle up all those feeling..for a clever girl that's rather a dumb move.
She bottles up those emotions, not realizing that one day the bottle with explode, and it'll hurt her more.

Aizawa: Y/N?

I interrupted her thoughts and she looked at me.

Y/N: Ya?
Aizawa: Why did you open up so quickly? I mean without hesitation you told me everything.

She thought for a second.

Y/N: It's obvious, I'm the traitor. I've been caught, the only thing I can do is tell the truth...that and..I trust you I guess.

She looked away from embarrassment, and I only nodded.

Aizawa: Well. I'm done for now. I shall decide your fate with the rest of the teachers.

I slightly joked.
She faked her smile and I smiled back while opening the door and exiting the room.

Y/N: Hey..um..Mr. Aizawa?

That was the first time she called me Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa: Hmm?
Y/N: Can I interact with my..um peers? Am I allowed?

I thought about it for a second.

Aizawa: Sure.

She slightly smiled.

*Y/N's Pov*

Y/N: Thanks.

He nodded and exited the room.
The only reason why I asked was because I felt like I needed to owe people an apology.

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