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Aizawa: Come this way Y/N.

It was in the afternoon and Aizawa was leading me to the meeting room to interrogate me. Obviously I was nervous, but didn't show it. One wrong move and I'd be a suspect.

I did as I was told and sat down,  scanning the room full of teachers.

Aizawa: Now Y/N, all we want is that you answer all of these questions with honesty.

I nodded my head.

Aizawa: Is there more to you're quirk? Or is it just teleporting and opening portals.

What kind of question is that?

Y/N: No their is nothing more to my quirk. Only that I can open portals and teleport.

He nodded and Midnight kinda lifted her eye brow.

Aizawa: Have you ever been in contact with The League Of Villains?
Y/N: No. Only from the field trip.
Midnight: Hey Y/N?

I looked at her.

Midnight: I've been curious of this but..when your parents..you know..died..where do you go.

I looked away from her eye contact, then back at her.

Y/N: When they died, I was a homeless orphan  I was around 12 when it happened, so I didn't have a job. The most I can do was save the money I took from my parents and recycle.

I sadly smiled.

Midnight: No siblings? Nor aunt or uncles?

Gesturing no, I spoke again.

Y/N: One day, when I was looking around the store for food, with the little money I had. Once I was done, the guy at the register asked where my parents were. After telling them what happened, he only nodded in sympathy.

All Might tilted his head, while the rest of the teachers payed close attention.

Y/N: When I was about to pay, the person in back of me had said "Wait no. I'll pay for her." After that day, he basically adopted me.

I smiled.

Aizawa: What was his name?
Y/N: Greg Lawrence

He nodded.

Y/N: He put me in school and I lived with him for like 3 years.
Aizawa: So what happened to him?

My smile left my face.

Y/N: He was murdered.

Midnight gave a concerning look.

Y/N: I saw him on the news..that he was murdered.

Midnight: What did you do after?

Y/N: Well, I left his house, took the money he was saving for me. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to pay the bills, so I just continued school so I can pay bills one day. Got a job and that was my life.

I knew that only half of that story was true. Greg was murdered. I didn't tell them he was murdered in front of me and the person who did it was Shigaraki.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Shigaraki killed him and was gonna kill me too. The only reason he didn't was because I had opened a portal, trying to escape. That's when he saw my quirk and recruited me.

Aizawa: Were getting side tracked.
Midnight: Sorry. My curiosity.

She giggled, and posed a bit.

Aizawa: Y/N. Before you came to this school, where were you?

I thought for a second.

Y/N: At work. To pay to come here. I had the knowledge, all I needed was the money.

I slightly chuckled in embarrassment.

Aizawa: Ok. Where did you work?
Y/N: At the grocery store I met Greg at. Which would be (Store name, dude idk)

He nodded.

All Might: Y/N, before the field trip did you know about The League of Villains?
Y/N: Yes. When I worked night shifts, I would usually see them in the news.

He nodded and crossed his arms.

Aizawa: Hmm.

He eyed me. I tilted my head and looked at him.

Aizawa: Man I can't tell if you're lying or not.

He sighed.

Midnight: I believe she's telling the truth.
Aizawa: Ya but someone with that past I would think would join The League od Villains.

I blinked.
I'm still here you know...

Y/N: I guess it just didn't come to mind.

I scratched my head.

Y/N: But Greg had always told me I could be a great hero someday, so I guess that's why.

I smiled.

Aizawa: Well I guess we're done.

I nodded and got up from my seat, as did Aizawa. When I turned my back towards them, I gave a little evilish smirk as I opened the door, quickly changing it to a smile.

Y/N: Ok bye now.

Aizawa followed me out the door to go and get the next student for the interview and I went straight to my room.

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