...Coo coo...

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*A week Later*

It was a Tuesday morning and we had the week off for Aizawa and the other staff members can further investigation or something. I haven't been interviewed yet but after Mina I was next. That can be anytime.

We were ordered to stay in our rooms and everyday Aizawa handed us homework, dinner, Ect.

Since yesterday we've basically been in a quarantine. It's gotten pretty strict here at U.A, and we were only able to get out of our rooms after the interviews were done for the day, or if we needed to use the restroom.

Aizawa: Everyone!

I heard from the hallways.
I jolted to my door and opened it, peeking outside.

Aizawa: We have an announcement!
All Might: Ahem. You guys will have a free day today and Thursday. We will only be doing the interrogating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

His voice boomed. I heard cheering from across the hallways, and I exited my room to find Mina and Ururaka.

Mina: Yaaayyy!
Ururaka: Hey guys.

She smiled.

Mina: Oooo, Ururaka..

She smirked.

Ururaka: W-what...?
Mina: You haven't seen you're little boyfriend in a while..you should go find him.

I smiled.

Mina: Don't think i forgot about you're little boyfriend Y/N.

I sighed.

Ururaka: Wait Y/N has a boyfriend?!
Y/N: Hey don't try and turn the tables you Deku simp.

From the corner of my eye I saw Iida walking towards us.

Iida: So what's this on Deku simps..and Y/N having a boyfriend.

I looked away from embarrassment. While Mina snickered.

Mina: Ya you haven't heard?
Iida: Nope.
Mina: Then you guys should go talk about that.

She pushed me and I bumped into Iida's chest. I stepped back not making eye contact.

Mina: Hey don't try and sneak away from me!

She started chasing Ururaka, leaving me with Iida.

Iida: So boyfriend?

Oh kill me now.

Y/N: Oh don't listen to Mina.. she's coo coo in the head.
Iida: She rarely ever say things like that without their being some truth behind it.

Good point...

Iida: You don't have to tell me who the person is, I'm only curious.
Y/N: Ok fine.

I looked away from his eye contact with embarrassment.

Y/N: When she says that, she means you because we hang out a lot.

I looked at him and he slightly blushed.

Iida: I see.

He lifted his glasses.

Y/N: Ya. Told you she's coo coo..
Iida: Indeed.

He cleared his voice.

Iida: Anyways did you wanna come hang out with Midoriya and myself, or were you gonna stay with Mina and Ururaka.
Y/N: I'll go hang out with you guys.

I pasted a small smile on my face.

Iida: Alright then.

[Switched Sides] Iida X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now