Chapter 5: The Date

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h/l=hair length
h/s=hair style :)

age 15, year 2 at U.A
Saturday 9:10 am, the day of Sero and Y/n's date

Y/n's pov

I woke up, extremely giddy and excited. Today was the day of me and Hanta's date. I already had an outfit picked out and everything. I immediately put on my outfit and decided to wait a little before doing my makeup and hair. I wanted to leave at about 11:00 so I could get there at a decent time so I had at least another hour. I scrolled through my phone for a bit. checking all the notifications from tiktok and instagram I got while I was asleep before setting my phone on my nightstand and walking over to my vanity to do my hair and makeup.

I finally finished putting my h/l hair into h/s and doing a natural makeup look. I didn't have much self confidence so usually I would think I would need more but I didn't want to overdo it, and besides, Hanta's already seen me without makeup in the pouring rain at 3 am so I decided natural was a good way to go. Besides, the date wasn't going to be anything super fancy like a 5 star restaurant, it was just a nice lunch date and then we'd head to the arcade afterwards. Nothing to get super dressed up for, though I wanted to look good nonetheless. 

11:01 am

"Bye Mei! I'm heading out for my date with Sero!"
"Good luck girl! Tell me how it goes when you get back okay?"
"I will!" I smile to myself as I push open the doors to the dorm building and walk outside. I accidentally bump into Mina as I'm walking. 
"Oh hey L/n! Where you headed?" She asks, smoothing out her shirt as I scratched the back of my neck. 
"Oh, I'm actually going on a date today!" I smile, laughing nervously. She squealed, before calling Asui, Midoriya and Uraraka over. 
"Guys! It's finally happening!!" Mina squealed, making me feel really dumb and confused. 
"Ohmygosh ohmygosh! Congrats L/n!" Uraraka said, hugging me. I awkwardly hugged back.
"Thanks? But I really should get going-"
"SO when did he ask you out finally?" Asui asks, stopping me in my tracks.
"Um, a few days ago?" I was really confused. How did they know that Sero liked me? This made the three girls squeal more as Midoriya gave me a small smile.
"Congratulations L/n, we all know you've liked him for a while." I quirked an eyebrow at this.
"What?" I ask, looking between them. I notice Denki walking towards us in his pajamas, probably confused about all the squealing the girls were doing.
"You're going on a date with Kaminari right?" Asui ribbits, as Uraraka and Mina gave me an expectant look. This made me burst out laughing. Now it was their turn to look at me in confusion. 
"Why are you laughing, Y/n? What's going on?" Denki asks, rubbing his eyes. The four 1-A students turn to him and their eyes widen. 
"They think we're going on a date!" I say in between laughs. In truth, my feelings for Denki had faded so much, I kinda forgot what it felt like to even see him that way, and now trying to think of it made me burst out laughing instead of blush madly like it used to. Denki's eyes widened as he started to laugh with me 
"So- who are you going on a date with then, L/n?" Mina asks me, her eyebrows raised. I smile and look over her shoulder to see Sero walking out of the dorms, looking cute as ever. 
"I'm going on a date with Sero, now if you excuse me I really have to be going so I'm not late." I say, waving to them as I turned on my heel and started to walk to the cafe me and Hanta had agreed on. 

kaminari's pov

I stood there laughing as my classmates turned to me while Y/n walked away.
"Are you okay Kaminari? That must be kinda hard on you." Midoriya says, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. 
"What?" I asked, confused by what he meant.
"Don't you and Y/n like each other?" This made me burst out laughing again. 
"No way!" I reply, still laughing. My four classmates gave me skeptical looks before heading back to the dorms. There's no way me and Y/n would like each other like that, right? Right?

y/n's pov

I sat at the booth I chose, awkwardly shifting my weight. I was early, so I didn't expect Sero to be there yet, but I felt awkward just sitting there by myself. I heard the door's bels jingle, signifying someone had walked in so I immediately turned around to see who it could be. It's Hanta. He smiled as he spotted me. He happily walked over to the booth and sat across from me. 
"Good morning, n/n."
"Morning Hanta. You look cute today." I giggled as I watched him blush from my compliment. 
"Well I think you look cuter," He says, smiling with his eyes closed. I rest my head in one hand as I look down at the menu. "Oh! Did you know what you wanted to get?" He asked, noticing me reading the options on the laminated plastic menu. I shook my head. 
"No, I don't come here very often to be honest. I'm just too busy. Most times I just cook something for myself at the dorms." I nervously laugh as he nods. 
"I getcha. But hey, I've been here a few times and I know what's good." Hanta smiles at me, holding up his menu and pointing to an option on the menu called the Sakura Powdered Pancakes. It was a stack of 3 pancakes with powdered sugar, syrup and butter topped onto it. It looked amazing. Hanta noticed the way my eyes widened and my stomach growled. He laughs and sets his menu down. "We can share it. It'd probably be hard for us to each eat one on our own." He says, the smile still not leaving his face as the waiter walks over to us, ready to take our orders. 

After finishing our food, which by the way, tasted as amazing as it looked, we were walking hand-in-hand to the arcade. Hanta slightly bumped my shoulder a bit as he made a flirty joke that had made my face redden. Once we reached the arcade, Hanta held the door open for me as I excitedly dashed inside. He chuckled, following behind me. 
"I haven't been here since I was little! It's just like I remember." I smile, looking up at Hanta, who smiles back at me. 
"I'm glad you like where I chose to bring you. I wanted you to enjoy the date, even if you don't like me like that." Hanta confessed sheepishly, his hands in his pockets as he stared at the floor, shifting his feet. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. 
"Well, you know, you like Kaminari, not me. I still wanted you to have fun even if you don't have feelings for me." I furrowed me eyebrows as Hanta looked up at me, seemingly expecting rejection. I looked into his eyes, they seemed to have hope in them behind all the self-doubt and worry.

 As I stared into his beautiful eyes, I saw that I was glowing out of the corner of my eye. I looked at my reflection in the screen of a nearby arcade machine. I was fully glowing. Not one part of my body wasn't glowing. Did that mean my feelings for Denki had officially gone away and I only liked Hanta now? I turned back to Hanta who was staring at me, extremely confused.
"Well, you're kind of wrong Hanta." I say, blushing as the glow died down. "W-What do you mean? What was all that about?" He asks, his posture straightening out.
"That glow only happens when I like someone. And I like you, Hanta." I say, laughing nervously as his eyes lit up and he hugged me, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.
"Does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?"

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