Info on Y/n!

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If you've read Not So Hopeless you may remember some of this but here's a quick refresher! And if you haven't read Not So Hopeless you may want to read that before you read this story!

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 4(First appearance)-16(Most recent appearance)

Nickname(s): Valentine, Match Maker


M/n L/n-Mother Status: Alive

F/n L/n-Father Status-N/a

Quirk: Love Fairy

Quirk Explanation: Y/n has a knowledge of all things romance and has an enhanced sense when it comes to romantic feelings. She knows where any possible love interests for her current "project" is and can turn herself invisible when out with her "projects" as to not be seen by the love interests. has two forms, when using her max power of her quirk has to be in her "Fairy" form. Can also use technology made by her mothers subjects to aid her in her conquests. She prefers the latest tech though when carrying out a conquest, such as the WingBee 4.0

(Lmao she's basically Kyu from Huniepop)

Drawbacks: Enhanced emotions (mainly negative ones like sadness, anger, jealousy, etc.), headaches, inability to turn on Fairy mode


1/5 Power-E

3/5 Speed-C

5/5 Technique-A

4/5 Intelligence-B

3/5 Cooperativeness-C

Over You [H. Sero x Reader] [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora