Chapter 3: Jealous

704 21 13

Age 15, Year 2 at U.A
Thursday 5:24 pm, 2 days until Y/n's date with Sero

hanta sero's pov

I watched as Y/n walked back to the stairway to get back up to her dorm. I looked over at Denki who didn't even notice that she was leaving. He barely acknowledged her anymore. It just seems so messed up since they've been friends since they were little. Even if I'm glad that Denki doesn't like her back, as selfish as that sounds, but I still feel bad for Y/n. She's just kinda losing him as a friend too, not just a chance with him romantically. 

He seems so focused on training and hanging out with everyone in 1-A he doesn't even notice the amazing girl in front of him. I'm glad that she decided to give me a chance though. I'm so nervous for our date, but I'm excited at the same time. I hope I'm able to sweep her off her feet. The way she was acting at lunch today seemed like I already was starting to win her over which made me pretty happy. 

"Hey Denki? Have you ever noticed that... you know.. Y/n's had a crush on you for a while?" Yaoyorozu says as she sits down in the common area across from where Denki was scrolling on his phone. He looks up, confused.
"What? No way, we're just friends." Denki laughs nervously looking around at all of our classmates who were looking at him in disappointment. 
"Yeah but she's losing feelings because he hasn't done anything about it!" Uraraka chimes in.
"And have you seen the way her and Sero have been acting lately, kero? I think they might have something going on." Tsu ribbits, turning the attention to me. I look around anxiously and shake my head slowly.
"Oh no we're not like, dating or anything!" I say, laughing and scratching the back of my neck.
"But you like her, don't you?"
"You must be pretty jealous of Kaminari then, huh Sero?"
"No! No I'm not jealous of Denki or anything like that. Yeah I like Y/n but I'm not jealous."
"Yeah sure," Midoriya says unconvinced. I roll my eyes and head up to my dorm.

denki kaminari's pov

I didn't understand what everyone was talking about. 
"I'm pretty sure Y/n likes Sero, I mean, judging by the way they were acting at lunch I think they both like each other. I don't think she likes me. We've been best friends for so long there's no way!" I say, smiling at all my classmates. They collectively groan. 
"You're so dense, dunceface!" 
"C'mon Kaminari I didn't think you were that blind." After a few more slightly mean comments they all split off and went to do whatever. I look up at the ceiling and go back to looking at my phone. I open the message app and start typing a text to YH/n.

Chargebolt: Hey everyone keeps saying you like me, do you?|

I shake my head and delete the message, replacing it with a different one.

Chargebolt: hey wanna go 2 the arcade saturday? B)

I sent that one instead and waited a few seconds before seeing the status change from delivered to read and seeing the typing bubble appear. 

Valentine: sorry cant im busy  :/

Chargebolt: awh :( with what? homework or something

Valentine: yeah something ig lol

Chargebolt: y wont u tell me? :( 

Valentine: idk i didnt think u wanted to know the exact details or whatever

Chargebolt: i mean im jus curious you dont have to tell me tho ig

Valentine: well ig i can tell u its not like a secret or n e thing

Valentine: i have a date on saturday

My eyes widened. She never went on dates with people.

Chargebolt: WHAT? with who????

Valentine: nunya business nerd XP

Chargebolt: tell meeeee >-<

Valentine: u gots to find out by urself mr. chargebolt

Chargebolt: hey um i've been meaning to ask

Chargebolt: everyone keeps saying you have a crush on me

Chargebolt: do u?


She seemed to be typing a long time before finally answering.

Valentine: eh, i guess i kinda used to but i dont really anymore

Chargebolt: oh okie cool ig

I don't know why but I felt kind of.. disappointed? Was I jealous of whoever this guy was she was going on a date with? Nah, no way. She liked me but she doesn't anymore and I've never seen her that way, right? Right?

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