𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗻𝗱

Start from the beginning

"No! I won't leave" running for the door making everyone rush behind the tiny beta "Hoseok!" Jungkook was quick to catch him just as a truck passed by "let me go! Let me go!" Wriggling his way out of the blue haired alphas hold and running behind the truck and straight to the shop where the only person in mind was "hobi?" His red teary eyes found jimin and jun-seo across the counter and he threw his smaller body into the olders hold who knew right away something was wrong with his friend and held him tightly just as the other four people burst through the door.

An alpha and beta he didn't recognize entered jimins shop and he grew even more confused just like his son who didn't care at all about the other people but only had in mind the beta that hugged him tight "Hoseok let's go" his dad spoke but the boy only whined as the man approached him "Let's talk about these somewhere else" Hoseok once again shook his head but the man still tried pulling him away from the little alpha "No! No! No!" He held tighter onto the older boy "let him go!!" Jun-seo let out a small growl that was tiny but audible enough for the man to stop his movements and pull away "jun-" jimin was as surprised as everyone else as his son again let out a small growl specially when his son had never acted such way, while to him, the alpha was danger after he tried pulling away Hoseok from him and the beta had shouted at the man.

Jun-seo took a step back and with Hoseok ran to the stores bathroom quickly locking himself and the beta inside "jun-seo open the door!" His mom tried forcing the doorknob but the boy held onto it "i won't open until hobi stops crying!!" Jimin stopped his movements and sighed "jun-seo, you need to open these door" his voice stern but the little alpha wasn't going to do as told, not when his best friend was shaking and crying.

Jungkook stepped up and placed a hand on the olders shoulder "Let's give them a moment" jimin again sighed and along the rest walked back to the front of the shop.

Jun-seo stepped back from the door and turned back to a still crying Hoseok who sat on the cold floor, the little alpha sat as well and wrapped an arm around the younger boy "hobi? What happened?" The boy whimpered growing a little calmer "my- my parents said *hiccup* we need to- to move away *hiccup* but I don't want to!" He sobbed out sending a pang to the little alphas chest "w-why?" Frowning at his best friend "f-f-for a job" his chubby hand wiping his tears away "can't you stay here?" Hoseok shrugged "i just w-want it to be like before"

Out of instinct jun-seo let out his pumpkin scent in an attempt to make Hoseok calm down and in no time the boy's sniffles stopped "if they really need you to leave with them, then you can just visit as much as you want, I don't want you to leave" Hoseok listened while taking deep breaths of the pumpkin scent, which did soothed him "talk with your parents maybe they can let you stay with yoongi and they will visit whenever they can, you told me that's what they already did, maybe it can be just the same" pulling a little back to look at the beta whose silver eyes where already looking up at him "whatever happens we will always be best friends, won't we?" Offering a small smile to which Hoseok nodded.

"You guys can't just get back and suddenly decide to move away!" Yoongi was trying so hard to not cry but his bloodshot eyes where already a dead giveaway "I know- I know I have no say in these but i basically raised him" the bathrooms door opened and the adults fell silent as jun-seo stepped out first before Hoseok followed him, their hands latched together as they approached the group of adults "please let Hoseok speak" the little alpha said while avoiding their eyes, specially his mom's, Hoseok kept his hand wrapped around jun-seo's while taking a step forward "i- I don't want to leave because I want to stay with jun-seo and with nini and with minie and with kook, they are now like a family to me but if we really need to leave..." Looking at his best friend who gave his hand a squeeze to reassure him "then we can move away because in the end, they will always be my second family" lips naturally forming a pout as he looked down at his feet "Snowball" his mom's quivering voice spoke over the thick silence "we want what's best for you, what would you like more?"

Hoseok chewed on his lip "i- I want it to be like before, like if you where traveling and nini is taking care of me" a small sob made his head snap up to find his mom covering her mouth while her mate hugger her to his side "m-mommy?" Nervousness building up in him "have we *sob* really n-not being there for him?" Question directed to her husband, she was right, they have always traveled because of their job that their son had grown used to the routine of not having his parents around as much as he wanted to but as he settled with how these worked, he stopped noticing "d-did i-i make mommy cry?" The betas voice quivering again his silver eyes looking up at his dad while letting go of jun-seo's hand to approach his mother "no sweetheart, you could never make me cry" pulling the boy into her embrace which he right away returned wrapping his small arms tightly around her "my goodness, I don't know about you Hee-chul, but I'm not taking that job" sniffling and glancing up at her mate who frowned "hye-rin you know we need the money" he softly spoke Crouching down to be on eye level with her and their son.

"I know but we have been working for years hee-chul, and besides" looking at her wide eyed son "our snowball is more important, isn't he?" Squeezing the betas cheeks covered in dry tears "then we can all stay here, I will talk to our boss" Hoseoks eyes lit up "does that mean I get to keep everyone?!" His parents nodded "do I get to live here?!" And they nodded again "so I can still see nini?! And kookie?! And- and, jun-seo?! And minie?!" They nodded his mother giving a light laugh "so, I also get to keep you?" Looking at both of his parents, his answer given when they both wrapped him in a tight hug.

"S-Seonie!" When his parents unwrapped him from their arms he threw himself at a wide smiling jun-seo who as well returned the hug, they jumped and their lively laughter filled the shop "we get to see each other every day!!" Hoseok cheered and after Squeezing one more time the older alpha he pulled away and ran to his uncle "no more crying nini! We are still together" yoongi sniffled rubbing his red nose and hugging back his only nephew "i'm crying because i'm happy" jungkook patted the omegas back and pulled back when yoongis brother went to hug the pale man "come on Let's go to the house" yoongi nodded and the four of them left jimins shop "jun-seo" at the warning tone of his mom he stopped his movements and lowered his head "anything to say for yourself?" Hands on his hips while looking at his son "i'm sorry I growled and I'm sorry I locked the door" jimin knelt down and smiled at his son "I meant why you did it" he sighed fidgeting and still not looking up "because I care for Hoseok, a lot, and I just didn't liked it when he cried"

Jimin reached up to ruffle his hair "that means you are going to be a good alpha" the boy finally looked up "r-really?" Jimin nodded a new voice agreeing with the omega "your mom is right, sensing someone you care for is in danger is a good sign whether you will be a good alpha, and it's understandable what you did, Hoseok didn't want to leave so you protected him" jungkooks words had jun-seo's green eyes glistening in happiness "I will be a good alpha!" Puffing his chest out reciving a small laugh from his mom "i'm sure you will be"

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