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It's too late when the two wake up in the morning. They'd spent most of the night talking to make up for the last two weeks and having really hot sex. First in bed, then in the shower, then in bed again. 
There is absolutely no time for breakfast in the morning so they take another quick shower together to get rid of the remnants of last night. Alex watches as Jack scrambles around gathering all of his camera gear, it makes him a smile, how panicky the man got.
"Take a deep breath." He says as he pulls his red cap with the Mickey patch on his head. 
Jack sighs, "I'm never late." He explains, gathering the rest of his things, "Come on, let's go."

The photoshoot goes well, Jack's actually rather impressed as he'd asked Alex to help him and Alex did everything he'd asked for and done it right. Alex makes quite the good assistant honestly, and he's a fast learner. 
They're at the same cafe that they met up at for the first time, finally able to relax and eat after a two hour shoot.
"Do you work today?" Alex asks, looking up at Jack.
Jack nods "I do, from 2 to 5, there's only a few family shoots booked." He sips his latte, hating how the latte art got destroyed when he did. He swirls the foam around in the cup to get rid of what used to be a very nice looking foam leaf.
Alex nods, "Okay. I don't work, but I guess I could do some school and some OnlyFans stuff." He shrugs.
Jack smiles, "You could come over when I'm off if you want to, sleep over again." He looks quite hopeful.
Alex returns his smile, "I could. I work tomorrow though." 
"So what? Go to work and then come back again. I work too. I work regular hours tomorrow, 9 to 5. I mean you're always welcome at my house." He hopes saying that doesn't send Alex running off into hiding again.
Alex thinks about it for a minute, "Yeah, I could do that. I'm off at 4 though."
Jack smiles "So go home and get some more stuff for my place. Crash with me. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to spend the night more often." 

So it's settled.
Alex wound up asking Jack for the spare key to his place with the reasoning that it would be easier for him to just pack some things now and have them at Jack's place already, so he's not constantly running home. 
Jenna found out about this of course and had to ask questions.
"So, are you two a thing then? I mean you're bringing stuff to his house." She gushes, standing next to Alex as he puts things from his closet into a duffel bag.
Alex rolls his eyes, "No, we are not a 'thing' or whatever. We just hook up and I'm gonna crash at his place anyway since there's no way in hell I'm missing out on the best sex I've had in years, so I figure if I'm gonna be there, I might as well leave some things so I don't have to get stuck wearing his clothes." His logic makes no sense and he knows it, plus he'd have no issue wearing Jack's clothes, not when they smell just like Jack. Delicious. Still, they are not a thing. They're a 'whatever they are' as they've both called it. Not once has the word 'boyfriend' left either of their mouths and Alex is somewhere stuck between glad that it hasn't and a bit let down that it hasn't. It's been a couple of months now, but then again it hasn't been all that long since they've been seeing each other in person. He's trying to mentally reason with himself, which leads Jenna to snap her fingers in front of him, startling him out of his zone out. 
She smirks, "Thinking a little too hard about what you just said?" She asks, a playful smile on her face.
Alex sighs, "We are not a thing. He's never said anything about being a thing and neither have I. We're just....We're whatever we are. You said I was making house calls once. He's not paying for my OnlyFans anymore, but that doesn't mean he's not paying for our little dates. So I guess I'm just still making house calls." For some reason that Alex doesn't directly want to think about, saying that about Jack makes him feel uneasy. Jack is more than a house call. He's more than a now ex subscriber. He's more than someone to fuck and call it a day. Still, they aren't anything.
Jenna shrugs her shoulders, "Pretty fucked up then for both of you. Clearly he likes you if he gave you the key to his house, and clearly you like him if you keep hanging out with him, but he's nothing more than a house call to you? You might wanna sort that one out Alex. Stop lying to yourself. I love you, but you are so far in denial that it actually is physically hurting me and I've never even met the guy." She raises an eyebrow at the defeated look on his face.
Alex sits down on his bed and looks up at her "I brought his favorite candy to him and a bottle of wine and a backpack full of my clothes because I chewed him out when he was at my restaurant with his mom. I got all pissy at him and told him he was stalking me because I didn't answer him for two weeks. He got so mad and told me he wanted to be anywhere else. I felt so bad about it after that I went over there to talk to him and he was so god damn nice about it, when really he probably should've yelled at me for being suck a dick to him. I told him that I don't want to run and that I want to keep being whatever the fuck it is that we are...But then I stop and think about it and I freak myself out again Jenna. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm not good at this stuff. Like, I see him and I'm with him and in that moment, all I want is to be with him. Then I come home and I catch myself with his house key and putting clothes in a bag to bring to his house, and suddenly I'm defensive and my wall shoots right back up and I'm questioning why the fuck I'm bothering. Honestly, what am I supposed to do?" The look on his face screams a pathetic mixture of conflicted and sad.

Jenna sits down next to him, "You're supposed to do what feels right. You said it yourself, you want to be with him whenever you're around him. You only freak out about it when you're alone and you have too much time to think about the fact that you're actually into someone for more than just sex or someone to hype you up. You can't live like that though. I mean," She pauses for a moment, "You can, I guess. Why would you want to though? Because if you keep running from every single person you get actual genuine feelings for, you're going to wind up alone. You'll never know what it'll be like to have the white house with the red door and picket fence, the husband to come home to and make time for, the two kids you've always dreamt of having. You'll never get to experience it because you won't even try to make it past the 'whatever this is' stage, and that's not on anyone but yourself. I can't tell you exactly what to do Alex," She puts her arm around his shoulders, hugging him and smiling when he rests his head on her shoulder, "I can tell you that you act different with him, though. You're excited to see him, you're excited about liking him, you're excited about the fact that you're bringing things to his house. You aren't confused or conflicted about any of that. You're only conflicted and confused about yourself. Does that make sense?" 
It takes a while for Alex to respond as the wheels turn in his head, and finally he nods yes.
"It's not him that I'm worried about. It's me. I know he's great. He's been great. He's never given me any reason to think otherwise. It's me. I worry too much about things that haven't happened yet and things that might not happen at all...I have such high expectations for my future but I'm so terrified that my goals won't ever be met that I ruin things before I get let down." He looks up at Jenna and she's got a small smile on her face, one that tells him that he's finally getting what she's been trying to say.
"I have to stick to what I said to him and stop running." Alex takes a deep breath to center himself, as if this is the biggest thing he's done in his life, "I have to try. I have to be conflicted about things in my own time without wrecking things with him in the process. I have to stop being so scared about things not going the exact way that I want them to and just let life happen." 
Jenna kisses his cheek, "Exactly. Now go finish packing your bag and go see your man." 

Alex is sitting on Jack's sofa with him, the duffel bag sitting in Jack's closet might as well be staring right at him.
"You okay?" The younger man asks him, noticing how tense Alex seems.
Alex sighs, "Can I talk to you?" 
Jack feels his heart sink and stomach churn a bit. Whenever people ask that question so bluntly, it's usually something bad, or it's heavy, or it's both. It's not usually good in his experience.
He simply nods in response.
"What are we?" Alex looks up at him, sitting up from where he previously was with his head on Jack's shoulder.
The anxiety Jack originally had switches from Alex not wanting him or leaving him or whatever else he was so worried about changes immediately into anxiety over what the right thing to say is.
"Uhm...Well," Jack starts, and Alex interrupts.
"Because I really like you, and I'm absolutely terrified of that fact, but the fact that I have a bag full of my things sitting in your closet is telling me that I'm obviously here for a reason, I've stuck around this long because you're not just someone to hook up with or hang out with. Clearly, you're someone I want to spend time with and that thought honestly scares the ever loving shit out of me, but still I'm sitting here and I feel so good sitting here with you, like it's where I'm supposed to be, and all I can think about is what we are. Am I just someone you like to hang out and hook up with? Are we ever going to move past the 'whatever we are' stage?" The brunette's tone is rushed, and it's nervous. It's filled with the level of anxiety that Jack's brain is filled with.
"Well-" Jack tries again to speak, and Alex again interrupts him.
"I mean I'd like to be more if you'd like to be more. Put a label on it, you know? As stupid as labels really seem to me sometimes, I want to put a label on this. I don't want you to ever want anyone else, or see anyone else, or talk to anyone else. I want you to want me, and want to see me, and to talk to me, and I realize that I sound insane right now but I think that--" 
This time Jack cuts Alex off, and he does so with a heavy kiss to the boy's lips, hands gently cupping his face.
"Alex. Breathe." Jack says with a small smile as he pulls away from the kiss, hands moving from Alex's cheeks in order to hold both of his hands.
"I want to put a label on it. I want you to not want anyone else. I want you to want to talk to me and spend time with me. I want to make plans with you and I want to see where this goes. You are not just someone for me to hook up with. You are someone that I want to spend all of my time with." Jack assures the older man who looks genuinely like a deer in the headlights.
"You do?" Is all the brunette can say.
Jack nods, "I do."
"So....What then? Are you gonna get all sappy and ask if I'll be your boyfriend, or am I gonna get all sappy and ask you if you'll be my boyfriend? Or how do we--"
Jack cuts him off again.
"Shhhh. Just stop. You're freaking yourself out and you're honestly going to give yourself a damn heart attack if you don't just take a deep breath. Yes. I am your boyfriend. You are my boyfriend. No sappiness needed. No cheesy romance movie shit. Let's call it what it is and let me put it as clearly as I possibly can for you. We," He gestures to the both of them, "Are a couple. Okay? Together."
Alex simply nods in response.
Jack rolls his eyes, a smile on his face as he hugs his boyfriend close to him.
Alex hugs him back, tense for a moment before he lets Jack's words really sink in. He scoots himself closer, nuzzling his face against his boyfriend's warm neck, letting himself relax. 
A couple. Together. He could handle that. Jenna would be pleased, at least. It's progress.

Throughout the week, both boys are so busy with work that really all they have is nights together and they're making the most of them.
Alex hasn't left, he's gone home to get a few more things that he needs but he's right back at Jack's again. He lets himself in if he's off before Jack is, and it's so nice to see his boyfriend walking through that door with a smile on his face, knowing that Alex is there waiting for him.
It's the same for Jack, when he's off or when he's home before Alex is, and he knows that the sound of keys turning in his door is the beautiful boy he's completely enamored over is going to walk in, happy to see him too. 

There are some times though that have Jack's jealousy going off.
Alex can't just stop what he does. He knows that. He's accepted that the best that he can, but the fact that they've got a title now sits heavy on his mind as he hears his boyfriend in the other room, talking to men over the phone or on FaceTime, telling them how badly he wants them and how good they're making him feel.
He knows that it's all fake, but the sounds Alex makes as he gets himself off on the most dirty, most expensive calls causes the anxiety to bubble over, his heart to race and quite frankly, makes his chest and head hurt. He doesn't want his boyfriend to talk to other men like that. He doesn't want Alex to touch himself for other men. 
During the day, Alex will text his subscribers too, just like he used to text Jack and send them pictures. He'll go into the other room and take pictures of himself, the same kind he used to send to Jack, and sometimes nude ones, like the kind Jack never asked for.
It hurts, and as much as Jack wants to say something about it, he knows that he can't.
What is he really going to say anyway?
'Hey Alex, stop what you're doing because I don't like it. I know we haven't been really together for that long but I'm gonna go ahead and start dictating what you do and making you feel bad for it.'

No. Absolutely not.
"I'm sorry" The brunette says as he leaves the room after getting off the call, a light sheen of sweat on his face, his hair a mess. The same as it is after they have sex.
He sits down next to Jack with a small smile.
"It's all good." Jack puts his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, placing a kiss to his temple. He can't help but smile when Alex turns off the facade and lets his real self come through, snuggling into Jack's side, head on his chest, hand on his stomach.
This is the Alex that Jack likes best. 
The hurt sets in again when Alex's 'work' phone goes off.
He watches as his boyfriend takes the phone and loses himself in conversation with his subscribers. He removes his arm from around his boy's shoulders and changes the channel, scrolling through them as he tries to not pay attention to what Alex is doing.
The temptation to take that phone and throw it out the window.
"I'm gonna go shower okay?" Jack fakes a smile, kissing Alex's head as he gets up and goes into the bathroom, not giving Alex much time to respond.

Alex sits there confused for a moment, did he do something wrong? 
He does his best to wrap up the conversations with his subscribers and texts Jenna instead. She can help. She always knows how to help.

Alex: I think he's mad at me.

Jenna: Why would he be mad at you?

Alex: He seemed kind of upset when I went to take a call from someone...It wasn't the cleanest call. I did some things and maybe he heard? And then we were just sitting together and I'm texting people back and he stopped cuddling me and got all awkward, then said he was going to take a shower and just like, got up. He gave me the fakest smile ever too, like it was beyond fake. He's bad at faking shit.

Jenna: Ever think maybe he's jealous?

Alex: Why would he be though? He knows this is what I do. I mean it's how I met him. He has no reason to be jealous anyway. He knows none of it's real.

Jenna: Even if he knows all of that, it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to hear his boyfriend getting all hot and bothered with some random.

Alex: I mean, I guess....I just choose to not think about it? Like for me it's just a job. 

Jenna: Yeah, and for him, you aren't a job, you aren't meaningless. For him, you're someone he cares about a whole lot. 

Alex: Well I'm not just gonna stop. It's not like we're married. It's not like we've been together for some significantly long period of time that would make me even consider it.

Jenna: No one's asking you to stop, but maybe do something to make him feel a little special. I mean it probably doesn't really help that he met you on the same platform that you're doing all of this with other guys on. I mean he knows that, and he can't change it, but honestly it would bum me out a little too.

Alex: What the hell do I do to make him feel all happy then?

Jenna: Put your phone away and spend time with him. Cook him dinner. Go take a walk together, go get ice cream, take him out to dinner, buy him flowers, play some video games or board games with him or whatever. I don't know. Something that's just for you and him, your phone put away, your attention on him. Just something that might make him feel a little better. I mean think about it. You're literally cuddling him and texting other dudes back.

Alex: I know, but like I said, that's just a job.

Jenna: Doesn't mean it makes him feel good, even though I'm sure he knows that it's just a job. He's allowed to feel a little jealous.

Alex: He hasn't said anything though. 

Jenna: Because he knows it's just a job to you. I mean I don't know him but that's what I'd be feeling. I'd be a little jealous but also like, try to deal with it.

Alex: I guess...I'll figure something out. Thanks Jenna.

Jenna: If none of my ideas work just go suck him off or something. That'll make him feel better.

Alex: 😒🙄

He turns his 'work' phone off and puts it in Jack's room on top of the dresser.
He knocks on the bathroom door, "Jack?" He asks, a little nervous. Is Jack mad, actually upset or just a little bummed out?
"Yeah?" Jack responds, poking his head out of the shower.
"I'll be back okay? I'm gonna go run and get a couple things okay?"
"Alright. Be safe. I'll be in my room editing when you get back."

Alex grabs his keys and goes, thinking of wha to do.
He doesn't want to cook. He doesn't want to go out anywhere. He might take advantage of the fact that Jack will be editing. When he's editing alone, he's got headphones in and music blaring. He won't hear a thing.
With a little smirk on his face, Alex makes a run to the store and then to Jack's favorite sushi place that they ate at before. 
He brings his haul back and comes in the house quietly, listening for Jack.
Jack is totally oblivious, he's at his desk editing photos with his playlist on.
Alex sets off to work building up his plan to make Jack feel all warm and gooey inside.

"Jack?" He asks as he walks into his bedroom, finally finished with his little surprise. He taps Jack's shoulder.
"Hmm?" Jack turns to face him, turning his music off and taking his headphones off.
Alex smiles at him "Dinner." He offers Jack his hand, who takes it with a small smile on his face.
"Cover your eyes." 
Jack raises an eyebrow at him, "What?"
Alex rolls his eyes "Just do it."
Jack shuts up and does what he's told. Alex takes his hand and leads him out to the living room.
"Okay, open." 

Jack opens his eyes and grins at the setup in front of him.
Alex had laid out all of the pillows and some blankets on the floor, the lights are dim with candles lit everywhere. There's food in the to go boxes that he recognizes from the sushi place, a large bottle of sake and little glasses next to it.
Alex has the TV on, hinting that he's going to get to pick a movie for them to watch.
"What's all this?" He asks, looking at his favorite boy, whose cheeks have gone slightly red.
"I just wanted to do something together, something cute and kind of romantic, I guess." Alex smiles.
Jack's mood seems to brighten quite a bit, losing the bout of sadness he'd been going through less than an hour ago, replacing it with a whole lot of happy over the effort that Alex put into this.

They spend the night drinking, eating and watching movies. The first pick was Jack's choosing. Alex said this was romantic, so he put on Valentine's Day. Alex got to pick the next movie, and he went with romantic too, choosing Crazy, Stupid, Love.
Although during Alex's pick, they haven't done too much actual watching.
Alex is naked, Jack is naked, they're drunk.
"You're so hot" Alex slurs a bit, covered in sweat as he recovers from the sloppy sex they just had.
Jack smirks "No you." 
"Shut up."
Jack kisses him, "You shut up."
Alex raises an eyebrow at him, "Make me."
Jack pins him against the pillows, straddling his thighs. He leans in and kisses Alex's pretty pink, kiss swollen lips again and wastes no time making their kiss hot and heavy, their tongues soon dancing together, Jack's dominating the show.
Alex's left hand is tangled up in Jack's hair while his right is gripping onto his arm, head tilting and turning trying to get as much out of this kiss as he possibly can. 
Jack pulls away, earning a little whine from Alex.
"Desperate." He mutters as he kisses Alex's neck, biting down right on the crook of his neck hard. The way Alex lets out this mix of a yelp and a moan has his dick twitching, aching to just wreck the chocolate haired, caramel eyed boy under him. 
He slides his hand down, grazing Alex's dick, teasing him just a bit, earning him a quiet moan from him.
Jack's lips meet Alex's again, his hand moving down in between Alex's legs, his finger teasing his entrance. "Don't tease" Alex mumbles against his lips.
"It's so much fun though." Jack whispers to him, kissing him again.
Alex gives in and kisses him back, too sensitive, too turned on and too drunk to really bother arguing much. As long as he gets laid again.
The raven haired man takes his sweet time, trying to keep the element of surprise up.
Alex is lost in their kiss, his hands touching Jack wherever they can reach. Jack slides two fingers in, making Alex gasp, breaking away from their kiss.
Jack smirks at him, burying his face against Alex's neck, attacking it with kisses and bites, sucking on it. The moans coming from Alex's mouth are shaky, unstable and so, so sexy. Jack slides a third finger in, stretching him slowly, grazing his fingers along the spots that make Alex arch his back, make him moan Jack's name, the spots that make him dig his nails into the younger man's back. 
Jack teases him for a while like that, teasing his sensitive spots without ever touching the most sensitive of all, his prostate. He kisses and bites at his neck and chest, covering him in love bites that'll turn into little purple bruises. 
Alex is a mess underneath him, he's squirming and he's arching himself towards Jack, he's rocking his hips against Jack's fingers, trying desperately to get fucked however he can.
"You're so needy" Jack growls in his ear, to which Alex, being on complete overdrive, could just moan his name in response, "Jack, please" The brunette begs, looking up at him with his pretty eyes.
Jack presses his lips to Alex's again, slowly sliding his tongue in, smiling a little when Alex opens his mouth a bit wider to let him in. Jack explores Alex's mouth like he's never kissed him before, he's going slowly, his fingers had come to a halt inside of his desperate boyfriend who's still trying to rock his hips down for any sort of attention he can get down there.
Jack pulls his fingers out completely, and Alex whines at the emptiness.
He lines himself up to Alex's entrance and slides into him slowly, which just pisses Alex off.
"Stop teasing me. Fuck me or don't." Alex glares at him, he'd had enough of the teasing.
Jack smirks, "Make me." 
Alex's desperation had turned into irritation. He pushes Jack off of him, pinning him down.
"I will." 
He straddles Jack's thighs and centers himself before lowering himself down, a low groan escaping as he feels Jack fully inside of him.
Jack bites his bottom lip, looking up at Alex, loving the way he looks on top of him.
He puts his hands on Alex's hips, watching as the beauty taking over him slowly starts rising and lowering himself back down.
Alex's desperation comes back full force as he picks up the pace, hands on Jack's chest as he nearly lifts himself all the way off before dropping himself back down again, his head tilted slightly back, mouth parted as the loudest, sluttiest moans leave his lips as he uses his boyfriend as his own personal dildo, curses escaping in between his whorish moans and whimpers. Alex pins Jack's hands above his head as he bounces, absolutely obsessed with the power he's got right now, leaving Jack with only one option; to rock his hips up against Alex, meeting his bouncing.
They're both lost in this spiral of pleasure, their skin sticky and damp from the sweat dripping off of them in the middle of their round two. Alex is so close, Jack can feel it in the way Alex's tight little ass tightens even further on his dick, the pressure and heat bringing him only that much closer himself. He yanks one hand free from Alex's grip to take hold of his cock, it's begging for attention.
Alex's slutty moans turn nearly feminine in pitch as Jack begins stroking while he thrusts up into him, setting a rhythm for them, meeting Alex's bounces.
The fast pace they're going quickly gets sloppy, Jack is stroking Alex off fast and hard, Alex's legs hurt so bad from the bouncing he'd done that he's hardly moving. Jack's got his other hand on Alex's hip, assisting him as he rocks his hips up and down rather than bouncing, Jack thrusting up a little harder. Jack's tone is so husky as he moans out a mixture of curses and Alex's name, "Fuck baby I'm so close" He manages to struggle out slowly, too drunk to care about speaking much.
"Me too" Alex gets out in between a loud near shriek as Jack hits his prostate hard. Alex starts to unwind completely, he's coming undone faster than he thought as his rocking turns right back into bouncing. He needs that spot hit again and he needs it now. He angles himself so that Jack is hitting his prostate over and over again, leaving Jack with nothing to do but look pretty, give Alex his best, near animalistic moans and get Alex off.
Alex is running this show now, and he doesn't give Jack any warning other than the sudden tightness of his muscle around Jack's cock before he's riding out his orgasm, spilling onto Jack's stomach with fast, broken moans mixed with heavy panting. The look on Alex's face is enough to send Jack spiraling. He grips Alex's hips, pulling him down and lifting him up again, plowing into him, his moans husky and ragged, out of breath as he hits his orgasm hard, releasing inside of Alex's pretty little ass.
He pulls Alex up just enough so he's not inside of him anymore before closing his eyes, trying to focus on catching his breath.
He feels Alex lay down on top of him, breathing just as hard.
In Alex's drunken state, the only thing he can think of to say is "So gross, I just made a cum sandwich."
Jack opens his eyes, looking down at the mess of a man on top of him, "What?" 
Alex lifts his head "My cum is all over your stomach. I'm laying down on top of you. Cum sandwich." He explains, as if this should be obvious. 
Jack laughs, "Gross." It is gross, but he doesn't move. Instead, he wraps his arms around his boy and holds him close. They can always clean up later. 

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