Second First Day

Começar do início

I didn't even glance towards them as I opened my locker door and placed my books inside. "So, what do you have first?" Nick asked. 

"I have a spare actually, you?" I asked him.

"Biology." I nodded and sighed, causing more pain and a sharp intake of breath, I gripped my ribs again. "Remember what you're mom said, if it hurts, you can go home." Nick said placing his own books in his lockers.  

"I'm not going home, I'm going to the library." I told him. "You can make your way to your class right?"

"Mhm." He answered and I turned around walking towards the library, still clutching my abdomen, well aware of the pair of eyes that lingered on me as I turned a corner at the same time the bell rung. 


The announcements had started towards the end of the period as I was leaving the library, the secretary saying something about how she hoped our summer was good and some more mumbo jumbo. I had almost reached the library when the announcements went fuzzy and someone said, 'Hey, you can't be in here' and I stopped in my tracks. 

All of the sudden a very familiar voice came over the intercom. "Samantha LaRusso, you know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it." My heart dropped into my stomach, thinking she must've seen Miguel and Sam kiss, poor Tory. "I'm coming for you Bitch." She exclaimed. 

The bell rung and I started speed walk down the hallway that was now flooded with students. I came out of the hallway to where you could've turned left or right or continued straight. To my right, I saw Sam coming down the hallway and to my left, I saw Tory coming down the hallway. 

Just my luck. 

There was a circle of people around them, including me. The two of them stopped right in front of ne another, giving death glares to one another. I realized a fight was about to break out and if it came down to it, I decided that I would fight with Sam. Even though she may be a shitty friend, I knew Tory would beat her one on one, and I wasn't going to let this turn into a blood bath. 

Best case scenario, try to diffuse the fight by talking, worst case scenario, well I wasn't thinking about worst case. I grabbed my rib as pain erupted and my face probably showed the pain, but I quickly wiped my face clean of any emotion. 

They slowly started to circle one another, not breaking their stare. The crowd broke behind where Tory stopped and Robby appeared. "I saw what you did at the party." Tory said and a part of me was glad that Tory was about to back up my story, that was Robby would know I wasn't lying. "You kissed Miguel." She finished and everyone around her ohhed. Robby's face flashed with hurt and betrayal and he looked to me, I gave him a sympathetic look and a shrug as if to say, I told you so.

Sam started to stutter and Tory wasted no time throwing a punch to Sam face, which she dodged. Sam tried to turn away to leave but Tory grabbed her backpack and hauled her back. Tory then kicked Sam in the arms that were crossed across her chest and Hawk and his friends caught her and threw her back. "Get back in there." 

"Hawk!" I yelled, surprised at what he had just done, but the amount of effort it took to yell caused more pain. I ignored it. 

Tory had now thrown Sam against the lockers and I decided it was enough. I dropped my backpack and rushed over to Sam. I grabbed the back of Tory's jacket and pulled her off of Sam, only to be put in a head lock and being punched in the gut, once twice. I was hearing bells in my head and my vision was blurry. Thankfully, she hadn't punched the side when my fracture was, but it still caused immense pain. "Hey!" I heard a voice call and someone threw Tory off of me and I collapsed to the ground, clutching my ribs. "Lydia, are you okay?" Robby asked, looking down at me and helping me up. 

Shoreline (Robby Keene/Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora