In a daze

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I jolted awake and the book slipped from my hands and fell to the floor. I sat up and put my head in my hands I was trembling, I looked at my hands and clenched them a dull ache ran up my back from the bottom of my spine . The dream had seemed so really I could still smell the scent of the City and the Garrison and the smell of horses.

I rubbed he back of my neck and looked around the shop, it was still dark out side. I peered out into the street and saw that the Market was being set up, I must have slept all night. I unlocked the door and stepped into the damp cold air of the early morning.

"Estelle" Mary stepped out from behind her stall "You're here early"

"I never left, I fell asleep reading"

"You need to be careful your Grandma used to reckon that the books would take her away if she let them if she fell asleep with them" Mary laughed

"What?' I frowned and followed her to the little café that was opening for the Market holders

"Well I mean; I loved your Grandma; but there was a time probably when you were just a baby that she went missing for months on end" I frowned at her as I ordered to teas and two breakfast and Mary and I sat down at one of the tables

"No one ever mentioned anything about this" I chewed my lip and wrapped my hands around the mug that sat steaming in front of me

"Well I think your family thought she was losing her marbles back then and tried to dismiss it as just her wild imagination" Mary smiled "You remember that she could tell a story that would keep you enthralled for hours" she nodded thanks to the waitress as she put the breakfasts down in front of us

"She did make up good stories" I couldn't help but smile at the memories of weekends with her in the shop while I was growing up

"Well she told me a couple of times that she had been to Camelot; with the Knights of the round table and she had been wooed" she started to laugh at her own choice of words "By Sir Gawain and apparently she thought about never coming back if wasn't for you; but then again she really could make up a good tale"

After breakfast with Mary I walked back to the shop with her words of my Grandmother running around in my head. What if it was true; what if my Grandmother had actually been to the court of King Arthur. Could I actually have been to Seventeenth century France with the Musketeers.

I put the closed sign up in the window of the store and made my way to the back where there was a tiny office that my Grandmother used to keep her personal papers in. I sat in the wooden old chair and tugged open the drawer in the small desk. It creaked and squeaked in protest as it was stuck.

"Oh for God sake" I gave it a final sharp tug and fell off the chair as the drawer came free and a small brown leather diary flew out and landed on my lap "Ow" I picked up the book and myself and made my way back to the sofa and sat down. I reached and picked up The three Musketeers and ran my hand over the old leather cover before setting it on the seat of the couch next to me. I took a deep breath and opened the cover of my Grandmother diary.

She never wrote in one every day and she had always told me to write down when something important happened to you so you can never forget it. If something had of happened to her then she would have surely written it down.

 I skimmed over the pages until I came across a pages that had a sprig of Forget-me-nots pressed in them and the name on the page was that of Gawain. I moved the flowers gently behind the next page.

For the second time I woke to find myself in Camelot. This time I was more prepared for what was to come until I came across Gawain. A man that was head and shoulders above the others his blue eyes were the brightest I think I have ever seen and his long blonde hair would not have looked out of place if he were advertising shampoo.

Yes women literally fainted when they saw him and I have to admit If I was a women from Medieval times then I probably would have swooned over him; but I'm not; and I know one thing that attracts a man with an ego it is to ignore him (even though it is difficult with Gawain, he is terribly good looking)

I got up and carried the diary with me as I made a drink. I moved to the next entry in the book

No escaping Sir Gawain today Guinevere introduced me to him. The Queen knows about me being from a different time apparently Merlin told her and that I was to be trusted and she trusts him and takes him at his word .

I sat back down and kept reading

I thought I had been in love before when I married Bob, and I did love him; I had my kids with him but there was always something missing. I thought it was just because it was the age we were when we married and then I resented him when he left me with two young kids to raise on my own, but now my kids are grown and have their own lives should I stay with Gawain. I have found a way to stay just by wishing it to be and not wanting to return to reality.

I was almost in tears reading these words things that she had never told anyone and kept inside for all those years

Gawain wants me for his wife, but I have to say good bye to him Alison has just had the most beautiful little girl and there is something in her that is making me want to be there to guide her in her life. Estelle is my reason for living here maybe one day I will see Gawain again.

Tears streamed down my face My Grandmother had given up her chance of living forever in a story to help raise me and leave me this shop and the dreams and hopes it had in it.

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