Girly Cow Marathon

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Carly set the popcorn bowl down on the table in front of the couch.

"Hey kiddo, whatcha doing?" Spencer asked from his glass of wahoo punch.

"There's a Girly Cow marathon on. Freddie and Sam are coming over to watch it."

"I didn't know Freddie liked Girly Cow."

Sam threw the door open in enough time to hear Spencer's words.

"Hey Sam. He's not a big fan of girly Cow. I'm not sure why he'd want to watch it."

"I asked Fredweenie the same thing. He said he needed some time away from the psycho he calls a mom." she plopped down on the couch, grabbing the bowl.

"I heard that!" Freddie walked through the doorway the same as Sam had, without knocking. He sat on the end of the couch nearest to the kitchen and laid his arm across the back of the couch.

"The marathon is starting. Sam, move over." Sam moved over near Freddie to allow Carly to sit down. she turned around to find his arm behind her on the high back of the couch. He raised his eyebrows to her, daring her to say something. She made a face and leaned forward, closer to the TV and farther away from Freddie.

Later that Night

Carly woke up to Girly Cow. She blinked in the darkness and glanced over at Freddie and Sam. They were both asleep. Sam rested her head on Freddie and his arm still hung across the back of the couch. Carly thought they looked so cute, she needed a picture, but she feared the creaking couch would give her away.

"Sam," Freddie mumbled in deep sleep. Carly looked at his arm, convinced that it would soon find it's way to Sam. She set her phone to vibrate an alarm in a few more hours. Then I may get a cuter photo. She wedged the phone between her head and the couch, already drifting off.

A strange buzzing awoke Carly and she came to, remembering her friends. As Carly watched Freddie wrapped his arm around Sam and she snuggled closer to him with a sweet smile playing on her lips.

Sam mumbled ever so softly. "Freddie."

Carly took her chance and eased herself off the couch. It creaked as expected and she quickly snapped the photo with her phone. She sound awoke the young couple, just after the camera flashed. Sam sleepily stared up to see who she was on. The musky smell seemed to be a clue, but she was too drowsy to notice. With shock the recognized the dweeb who had his arm around her. She pulled away instantly, taking his arm with her and throwing him to the floor.

"What... what happened?"

"you had your arm around me! That's what!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sam, you can't blame him. You were both asleep," Carly's voice of reason explained. She continued, "And you were leaning against him, then you nuzzled close to him."

"Ha!" Freddie exclaimed, getting up from the floor.

"Show me proof I was..." She searched for the word.

"cuddling?" Carly suggested.

"Show me proof I was cuddling with this nerd!" 

"Yeah, I wanna see it too!"

"Shut up, Fredweirdo."

"Here's the proof," Carly showed them the picture she had taken only a minute or so before.

they looked back down at the bright screen then a one another, causing a light blush to come into their cheeks and back down at the floor.

"You were adorable."

"Shut it!" They both said together.

"We really got to stope doing that." Freddie said.

"Totally." Sam said and they both just stared at the ground.

(Hello! Do you like the fan art that I found online. It's above, and I think it's adorable! Anyway I don't have anything to say, so yeah. Um it's my moms birthday and that's the only thing going on here. Anyway please vote, review, comment and share! Thanks! -Sage)

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