The First Official Exploration

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Brody's POV

After that day of doing sentry duty, we were back to doing missions for two days and we reached Bronze Rank! and today we wake up and went for the morning cheers as usual but...

"Er, ahem. Everyone, listen up. I have an important announcemet to make" Chatot said "Far to the northeast, then farther into its outermost reaches..." He said "There lies a place named Treeshroud Forest...." He said "In Treeshroud Forest....Time has apparently stopped..." He said suprising all of us "Huh?!" Diglett asks "Eek! What did you say?!" Sunflora asks "You're saying time stopped?! Hey, hey, hey!" Corphish said "Yes, that's correct..." Chatot said "Time has to come to a standstill in Treeshroud Forest....The wind has stopped.... The clouds are motionless..." He said "Dewdrops on leaves won't fall... They just hang there, suspended" He said "In Treeshroud Forest, time itself has truly stopped" He said "T-time has stopped?!" Dugtrio asks "But.... How could something this awful happen?" Sunflora asks "It's unthinkable!" She said "Yes, the unthinkable has happened" Chatot said "Why has time stopped in Treeshroud Forest?" He asks "Well, it's because Treeshroud Forest's Time Gear was...Stolen!" He said "Huh?!" Bidoof asks "The time gear was s-stolen?!" Dugtrio asks "That's what made time stop! Hey, hey, hey!" Corphish said "I'd heard it was possible! But now it's really happened" Chimecho said "I don't get it though! Why would ANYONE take a Time Gear?!" Loudred asks "Quiet, everyome!" Chatot said "Officer Magnezone has already started an investigation" He said "It's hard to believe that anyone would dare steal a Time Gear" He said "But if one Time Gear can be stolen, the others may also be in danger" He said "The officer asked to be notified immediately if we notice any suspicious characters" He said "So keep that in mind. Let us know if you notice anything" He said "That is all. All right, everyone! Here's to another busy day of work!" He said "HOORAY!" We all said and everyone went their ways "Oh, you there" Chatot said "You two, come here" He said so we walked to him "You've become quite good at your work" He said "I'm impressed with your capture of Drowzee. That was very admirable!" He said "So! You all will finally be assigned a mission worthy of a proper exploration team" He said "R-really?! Hooray!" Sim said excited "Let me see your Wonder Map" Chatot said so I opened the Wonder Map "Treasure Town is here" Chatot said "And.... over here is where we would like you to investigate" He said "See? There is a waterfall flowing here" He said "By all appearances, it's just an ordinary waterfall" He said "But we've received intelligence that the waterfall may conceal a secret" He said "And that's where you come in. We want you lot to investigate the waterfall and determine what's there" He said and I close the map "That's all. Do you understand what this mission entails?" He asks "Understood" I said "Good! All right, I'll leave you all to thoroughly investigate the waterfall!" Chatot said and Sim started shivering "Huh? What's wrong? You're shivering" Chatot said and Sim had tears in his eyes "A-are you all right?" Chatot asks worried "Yes. I'm OK. It's just the anticipation that's making me nervous" Sim said "This will be the first time we get to do a real job as an exploration team" He said "I'm feeling a little worked up...." He said "Oh, I feel like I'm going to burst from excitement!" He said looking at me "Let's do our best, Brody!" He said and I nodded smiling and we started to go upstairs.

"Oh! Brody! And Sim too!" Chimecho said "Huh? What's Chimecho doing there?" Sim asks and we walked over to her "Hello! What's going here?" Sim asks "I just started an Assembly here. Today, in fact" Chimecho said "Assembly?" Sim asks "Yes! For assembling your team! Have you ever considered adding members, Sim?" Chimecho asks "Other members? Well, sure! It'd be cool to add other members!" Sim said "Of there were more than just the two of us...." He said "It sure would help when we explore dungeons!" He said "Well then! You need to start recruiting new members!" Chimecho said "Oh? How do we start?" Sim asks "I'll just ring the friendship bell for you, Team Hope!" Chimecho said "Here goes! Hey-yah!" She said and rang the Friendship Bell "Now Team Hope has the power to recruit new members!" She said "R-really?" Sim asks excited "Yes! From now on, while battling pokemon in dungeons...You may earn respect from some of them.... and those pokemon will then ask to join Team Hope" Chimecho said "Once you have recruited a pokemon, you can bring it along with you on dungeon explorations" She said "To bring a pokemon along, visit my Assembly, then choose which members should join your team for the exploration" She said "Always see me when you want to assemble a team that includes recruits!" She said "Oh, wow! Thanks, Chimecho!" Sim said happy and then Sim and I went outside.

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