Weird choices (happy but aimless)

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Happy but aimless or depressed but focused? Weird choices, right? NO! THAT'S JUST HOW LIFE POSES IT.

When someone asks you, "What do you wanna do in your life? Where do you wanna go?" you think you know the answer, because at one point you did! But then, time passed; reality and fantasy blurred out and you were left with confusion. So, now you don't actually know what your aim in life is!? What your destiny is!? Where is it that you want to take this life of yours!? So many questions and the answers: vague. When you are happy, it is natural to feel all up-beat and pumped and jolly. You can tackle shit that you need to face, you can brainstorm for solutions about problems you get and the like. However, when you are sad and low- you feel on edge! You feel agitated, annoyed, agonized. Every organized thing feels schizophrenically disheveled. You feel frustrated. That were the two cases: happy or sad. But even when people are happy, they pass the time daily, only to end up with this thought at the end of the day: Where am I going? Feeling like this sucks! You could be happy, but aimless.

Now, when people are not in the best times of their life, when they are sad, they know how their life is spiraling out of control. The frantic efforts they make to cling onto the ropes of hope demands strength. And those who are able to create a firm grip on that rope, get through. This strength that they possess to manage their life and put it back on tracks, is the 'focus' I was talking about. These people are focused 'on getting through'. They are trying to stay in the battle of surviving, because every day feels like a war. Happy people? They preserve an image of hope to put up a show in the light of the day, for others. But when the shadows surround them, the sham disappears...and all that's left are truths, that they're afraid of admitting even in solitude. They fake this strength for so long, to show others, they have weakened themselves from the inside. So, happy people possess denial. Sad people tread on broad path of acceptance. And the funny thing, none of them like it.

I am very well aware that all the things above, might sound unbelievably biased, and false and ridiculous! And let's be honest here, isn't life the most ridiculous thing ever!? Now, things I write, they are personal opinions and experiences. I seek your views, not your acceptance of what I'm scribbling. I seek to share them, not impose them on you. Otherwise, what's the point of caring and debating anyways? Do you feel the word 'depression' gets thrown around a lot or you're of the opinion that it's become a widespread issue as of late?

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