Draco Malfoy- Trying

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Warnings: Angst
Summary: The reader is devastated when she finds out that she's not pregnant after trying for months and Draco comforts her.

'We'll try next time Y/N. It will happen in time.'

'But Draco, we have been trying for months, I've lost hope, we-we will never be parents.' You said as you looked down at the Clearblue stick that was in your hand. Your eyes started to sting and a lump formed in your throat. You were sitting on the bathroom floor, the coolness of the grey tiles eating at your bones. Draco was kneeling next to you with his warm hand on your back.

You and Draco had been trying for precisely 4 months, 1 week and 6 days. With no hope. You had been excited at first, dreaming about the day you would meet your baby for the first time, the adorably miniature hands and feet, the cute giggles and snuggling with your baby. The mountains of onesies with cute captions like:' Daddies Girl' and 'I Love You Berry Much'. You took every chance to have unprotected sex with Draco in the hopes it would lead to you getting pregnant.

Draco was nervous at first, he was anxious about being a good father. His father wasn't the best example, Draco believed that it ran in his blood. After some reassurance, he slowly but surely became excited about children. As part of 'Project Baby', which was what you called it in your head, you had bought a whole lot of baby magazines, every night before bed you would show him ideas for nurseries and cute baby pictures, and he eventually gave in. Soon he became so excited he started working on the nursery, painting it twice before settling on a light grey with white highlights, two rocking chairs and a small table that had a mattress on top for changing. When you and Draco went shopping, he insisted on buying almost every toy he saw, you had to calm him down and narrow down his options.

However, it was not as simple as having sex, after a month, you became dubious about your ability to conceive. Draco became scared he was the problem. Draco decided both of you should see a doctor. After confirmation that both of you were able to fall pregnant, it renewed your hope, and soon you began trying again.

Yet here you were, sitting on the bathroom floor, now crying with a negative pregnancy stick hanging loosely from your hand and Draco trying his best to comfort you. Draco snaked his hands around you and pulled you into a hug. You started to full-on cry, sobs escaping your throat.

'Come on, let's get you to bed.' Draco whispered into your ear. You looked up into his beautiful grey eyes and noticed it was red and tears were forming at the bottom of his eyes.

'I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.' You exclaimed, guilt washing over you. It was your fault he was crying; it was your fault you couldn't conceive.

'Hay no, don't say that. It's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault. Sometimes these things take time. It will be worth the wait, I promise Y/N. And who said you can't be a mother if you don't have a child? You are already a mother, don't you see that, you are like a mother to Teddy even though you aren't his biological mother. Nymphadora and Remus would be proud of you, you have taken such good care of him. And what about Dobby, you are a doggy mom to him!' Draco exclaimed.

He was referring to Teddy Lupin, his nephew. His parents were murdered during the war. When Draco decided he wanted to reconnect with his mother's family and apologise for what his family did to them, he found out that his cousin had a baby and was now an orphan. He felt guilty beyond belief and decided to be a part of the child's life, much to his father's dismay. Teddy slowly became closer to you and Draco, eventually, besides his godfather, Harry, you became like parents to him. He would stay over at the mansion every second weekend you would spoil him every time. Through him, Draco and Harry were able to at least tolerate each other and you became a friend of Ginny's, even though you never interacted with them at school.

Teddy even became friendly with Narcissa, Draco's mother, who surprisingly became fond of him, and eventually reached out to her sister, Andromeda, after not speaking for years. Your father-in-law never met Teddy because he still hadn't gotten rid of his pureblood ways, but would ask about him once in a blue moon.

Teddy had also become thick as thieves with Dobby, named after the Malfoy's old house elf who had sadly passed away during the war, who was a beautiful golden retriever you and Draco had decided to adopt after the war as a sort of emotional help dog, he would comfort you after garish nightmare, and just generally made you smile, he helped relieve Draco and your anxiety and grief. Draco offered Dobby's name when you were brainstorming names as Dobby used to be Draco's only friend back at his childhood home, his parents were always too busy to play with him as a kid, so he had no option but to play with Dobby. He told you about the time Dobby and he played hide and seek, but Draco got so lost in the humongous mansion that it took Dobby at least a couple of hours to find his 'Young Master'.

Draco picked you off the floor and carried your bridal style to your bed, cradling your head in his chest. He kissed the top of your head and lingered there for a bit, knowing you needed a moment of physical contact. He pulled away from you and quickly walked around the bed to his side and got in, pulling the blankets over the both of you. He scooted nearer to you and put an arm protectively around your waist, as you turned your body to face him, chest to chest. You could feel his heartbeat through his chest and hear his breathing. You started to feel sleepy as the warmth of the bed overcame you. You let the darkness that was sleep overcome you. The last thing you registered was Draco's voice

'It's not your fault."

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